Thursday, September 13, 2012

30 Things Before 30

Dudes.  I'm getting fucking OLD.

I was at a dinner the other night with a 19 year-old and three 22 year-olds.  I wanted to cry.

I've been having back issues.  Like pains and tightness.  IN MY BACK.  That is something old people have!

Tomorrow I turn 29.  As mentioned previously, I've been fortunate to have traveled quite a bit and have had many incredible experiences (jumped off a cliff and swam with sharks in Palau, surfed and sailed in Australia, saw the Mayan ruins in Mexico, hiked the Great Wall in China, floated in the Dead Sea in Israel, etc.).  But for some reason THIRTY seems like a deadline by which I need to make a lot of check-marks on the grand ol' bucket list.  So I've decided to make a list of 30 things I need to do before I turn 30 in order to feel ready for my next decade.  Some of these are general goals I've had for a long time, some are things I feel I need to leave behind in 20's, and some are things I feel will prepare me for my 30's:

1. Eat at Providence

2. Book a trip to Africa
3. Leave current job / start a new job
4. Drink the champagne in the fridge that I've been saving for a "special" celebratory occasion
5. Run - actually RUN - in a race (even just a 5K)
6. Use the cooking class gift certificate my boss bought me for my LAST birthday
7. Get some sort of waterproof casing for either my iPhone or my Rebel so that I can document it when I...
8. Swim with whale sharks
9. Re-read The Great Gatsby, and read 3 other classics for the first time
10. Attend a beer fest
11. Try snowboarding or skiing for real
12. Test-drive the Tesla
13. Develop a proper regimen for taking good care of my skin (e.g. using face cream - ick)
14. Go a whole month without eating any meat whatsoever
15. Buy a pair of Louboutins or a designer bag
16. Watch at least 10 more of AFI's top 100 (I've seen 32 from the 2007 list)
17. Help an animal give birth OR be present during a surgery
18. Create something (e.g. a full script, short story, painting, etc.)
19. Learn how to make the perfect dirty martini (yum)
20. Go through all the junk in my room at my parents' house (and get rid of most of it)
21. Shoot a gun (at a target range)
22. Buy a new, carefully-chosen bicycle
23. Have a meeting with a financial analyst
24. Keep a plant alive for more than 2 weeks - preferably lavender
25. Go back to Best Friends
26. Try absinthe (the real kind)
27. Assemble an earthquake kit
28. Plan a reunion / vacation with my besties from college (this may already be in the works).
29. Answer the phone "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"
30. Forgive.

Anything I missed?

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