Friday, April 13, 2012

Free Beverage Service = Free Advice

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What you can learn about the person sitting next to you on a plane simply by which beverage they order:

Ginger Ale - your neighbor has an upset stomach - keep your distance!
Tomato Juice - this person is from, or at least once lived in, Boston/New England and therefore could be a Masshole - keep your distance!
Coffee (black) - this person is probably en route to a very important meeting - keep your distance!
Wine (on a red eye) - clearly your neighbor just wants to go to sleep - leave her alone!

(Can you tell that what I'm trying to say here is don't bother the person next to you on a plane?)

Apple Juice - your neighbor is a child and you should probably still keep your distance because if you set the metaphorical "bar" with high-pitched "hi there"s right at the start, you might be stuck playing peek-a-boo with the snotmonster all night.

Margarita - this person is your new best friend!

The end!

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