Friday, May 18, 2012

IMBT Birthday Shoutout: Tina Fey!!

If Tina was Jewish instead of Greek/German/Scottish and had grown up in Cleveland instead of Philly we would've been best friends.  I just know it.  Nevermind the 13 year age difference.  OK, so she would've been my babysitter and I would've been all "yay, it's you, I like you, I'll behave for you" and then some years later she would've been like "hey, you're that kid I used to babysit - let's be best friends now."

I could write oodles about everything I love about Tina and MEAN GIRLS and "30 Rock" and "SNL" and Bossypants and DATE NIGHT etc., but it's all been said before.

Instead I will share one personal anecdote:

The very first HBO Golden Globes party I worked was in January 2009 at Circa 55/Trader Vic's at the Beverly Hilton.  As usual, the party was set up both indoors and out, surrounding the hotel pool.  In some years they've drained the pool and put furniture in it, others they've covered it with plexiglass, but this year they just put some pretty floating things in it and otherwise left it alone.  During a break I called my mom from my cell phone to tell her about all the celebs I had seen.  As we chatted, and I tried to make my way through the throngs of party guests, I suddenly found myself right next to the edge of the pool.  I turned around and teetered on my high heels as I almost (literally) bumped into a very handsome male actor.  I said into the phone:

"Ohmigod Mom, I almost just had the choice of falling into the pool or feeling up Jon Hamm*."

(*OK, it wasn't Jon Hamm, it was someone way less exciting, but he WAS at the party so let's pretend.)

Anyway, I then heard a soft laugh/giggle and as I looked up there was Tina Fey.  Smiling.  At me.  AND LAUGHING AT SOMETHING I SAID.

Best. Moment. Ever.
The end.


ps. I'm back!  Did you miss me? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic story! Wish it had been Jon Hamm, I would've tackled him. Happy to know Tina and I are both Taurans.
