Thursday, June 28, 2012

Channing Tatum: New Best Hottie

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I realize I am jumping on a bandwagon that has been running for a long time here.  But I never paid much attention to Mr. Tatum until recently.  To me he was just that beefcake from the STEP UP movies, and that's all I really needed to know.

But then, a few months ago, I saw 21 JUMP STREET and all that changed.  If you didn't make it out to the the theaters for this one - shame on you (just kidding) - here's the NSFW extended trailer:

Dude is hilarious, right??!!  The roommates and I were just discussing how much we'd like to watch this movie again and that we might buy the DVD.

So you can imagine how excited I am for MAGIC MIKE, which I will be seeing in 6 hours and 43 minutes (I may or may not be counting down).  I've always been a Soderbergh fan generally speaking, and am currently working on the Liberace project he's doing with HBO (so exciting!). (Perhaps this is the point where I need to say that though I am an employee of HBO, all these opinions are mine and mine alone, and are not representative of the company whatsoever.  Also, HBO and Warner Bros., the studio distributing MAGIC MIKE are both owned by Time Warner.)  ANYWAY, I'm looking forward to seeing his take on this *ahem* titillating subject matter.  Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure:

HOLY HOTNESS BATMAN - and I heard it's actually really good too!!  As the Variety review said, "Tatum, Soderbergh and team appreciate the real reason audiences showed up, and the film provides just enough character and plot to validate the plentiful pecs and abundant buns that serve as its main attraction."

So to Mr. Tatum: I apologize for taking so long to appreciate you, but now that I have rest assured I will be showing up to all your films (provided that you promise either hilarity or shirtlessness ensues).

PS. Boyfriend, if you're reading this, I love you the most.

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