Friday, June 22, 2012


In cast you were not aware, the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam is back.  My boss has been out of town this week, and while I have actually been pretty productive, every spare moment has been spent watching these adorable furballs. Good thing they sleep a lot or else I wouldn't have gotten anything done.  Here's the link, but I should warn you:  PUPPY WATCHING IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE - CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I imagine I've now lost most of my readers to the Puppy Cam.  I don't blame them.  But for those of you still reading this blog post, you shall be rewarded with a somewhat random, but hopefully highly delightful, collection of videos, pictures, and posts of the heartwarming and/or adorable and/or funny and/or beautiful and/or sexy varieties (trust me, just read on - and open the links in new tabs/windows so you can check 'em all out).

Let us begin with heartwarming and adorable, shall we?

First up: humans.  Shocking, I know, but I dare you not to smile and/or tear up a little over these two collections:

1.  Barack Obama Being Adorable With Children:

2.  21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity:

The moment in which this Ohio athlete stopped to help an injured competitor across the finish line during a track meet.

Next, we move on to animals.  I give you "HUG ALL THE GOATS", which absolutely could have been me as a child (and probably still as an adult):

I want to hug all the animals too!

And also "KITTEN VS. BUNNY", or

Котик vs Кролика

I love how fearless that bunny is!

And as we transition into funny, check out this hilariously guilty cat:

Speaking of cats, have you ever seen such a GINORMOUS FLUFFMONSTER???:

This is no fat cat.  This is just a very large Maine Coon.  I LOVE IT!!!

Here are a couple more collections of unintentionally hilarious animals:

1.  7 Super Excited "Ermhagerd" Animals

2. 14 Of The Most Fabulous Animals In The Kingdom

14 Of The Most Fabulous Animals In The Kingdom

OK, to be honest, I don't have a good segue here, but I will now be moving on to beautiful with Vanity Fair's  Hitchcock Classics (re-imagined) - be sure to click through!

And finally, thanks to Tumblr, I recently stumbled on these two collections of beautiful, sexy men wearing purple.  You're welcome:



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