Friday, June 1, 2012

Woo-Vegas, baby, Woo-Vegaaaaas!!

OK, you know the drill, what happens is Vegas blah blah blah.  (And in case you DIDN'T know the drill, just fly Spirit to Las Vegas and you'll learn fast.)  But I had such a good time with my girlfriends on our Memorial Day trip, that I had to mention a few highlights:

After a stressful, traffic-riddled ride to the airport followed by the rowdiest flight EVER (the pilot led the passengers in a group-chug because it was time to land and everyone needed to finish their drinks), we finally landed in Vegas on Friday afternoon.  We were greeted at baggage claim by Myrna, who, at 75 years old, offered to help us with our bags (awww Myrna) (don't worry, we didn't let her) and led us to our GOLD limo which took us to our hotel...

Sane people would've made reservations weeks in advance, but we decided to call up L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon (the less fancy/pricey of two Michelin star-rated Robuchon restaurants at the MGM) as we were getting ready for the evening.  What the hell, right?  Miraculously, they managed to fit us in.

There are more pictures of the incredible food somewhere, but I don't have them.  So in the meantime, as Kristen Wiig once said, I'M READYYYYYYYYYY TO PARRRRRRRRRRRTYYYYYYYYYYYY

We had a good time checking out the various bars & lounges in the hotel after dinner.  We even found one with a "woo" drink on the menu...

My friends call themselves the "Woo" girls, which comes from "How I Met Your Mother".  I'm not sure if I'm officially a Woo yet, but I think this weekend at least made me "Honorary Woo".  (P.S. here's the clip from HIMYM: and a photo:

We might enjoy a group drink & cheer, but clearly, we're a way happier bunch.)

The rest of the evening shall remain in Vegas ;-)

This, and the adjoining lazy river, is where we spent our time during the days.  Heaven...

Nothing like a patriotic jello shot for your first drink of the day.

Mmmmmm, bloody Mary's.

Romy & Michele?

For night # 2 we made arrangements in advance to go to Casa di Amore for dinner.  It's about as old-school Vegas/Italian as you can get and it's awesome.  And as long as you call in your reservation, they'll send a limo to pick you up.  Woo!

After a delicious dinner (gnocchi, pomodoro, alfredo, oh my!) and enough cannolis and creme brules to feed an army (they came with free t-shirts and we all wanted the shirts), we had the limo take us to The Cosmopolitan.  Probably the scene-y-ist hotel on the strip, there we came across so many slarmies (slut armies) and bachelorette parties that I lost count.  Apparently the new trend is to wear dresses so tight and so short that your butt cheeks hang out.  Huzzah!

The Chandelier bar was gorgeous... but freezing... as was almost everywhere we went EXCEPT:

Again, the rest of the night shall remain in Vegas, but yay, the girls finally got their snacks!

Night # 3 started with sushi dinner at Shibuya (yummmm), and was followed by some impromptu meeting up with high school friends and running around.  And more gorgeous dresses.  And more hot shoes.

Natalie got to spend some time with her junior prom date and adorable neighbor Brian.  And then my high school buddies, Erik & Jen, took us to one of the sickest bars I've been to EVER.  It was off the strip in a hotel called The Artisan.  When we rolled up, I immediately thought of The Night Circus.  Everything was black and white and lit with old-school filament bulbs.  But when we walked in, it was like stepping into a living game of Clue.  For my LA friends, the decor was kind of a cross between the Magic Castle and The Edison but with a Gothic splash.  There was a DJ spinning in the bar/lounge and the clientele was mostly locals.  There were dudes with 12-inch mohawks and others with Pauly-D blowouts.  The female bartender was wearing a corset so tight and was so busty that we were worried she was going to topple over.  It felt like the kind of place Stefon would mention on Weekend Update but without the Furkles, Jewpids, human bathmats, Teddy Graham people, and Gizblow the Coked-Up Gremlin.

White Fang and Crazy Face/Arms

Beachwood reunion with Erik & Jen!!

The details of rest of the night shall, for the last time, remain in Vegas.  Suffice it to say there were a couple rounds of shots, a puppy with an overbite, bottles of pink champagne (and strawberries and espresso), snacks in the form of goldfish crackers (perfection.), and a significant amount of distress/hysteria (on my part) over going to bed at 6 am (among other things).

THANK YOU SO MUCH to Shelby, Jill, Natalie, Melanie, and Dawn for a) including me in WooVegas, b) being so much fun, and c) sharing your photos with me!!!  I had such a blast!

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