Friday, December 23, 2011

Fall/Winter Recap Part Three: Turkey Week

Progressive Thanksgiving at HBO was awesome as usual, and the whole week of celebrating my favorite holiday of the year was super fun, but this post is really just an excuse to share these amazing photos my friend Natalie took at Transplant Thanksgiving:

my famous Spiced/Spiked Cidah

quiche is a Thanksgiving morning tradition at Transplant Thanksgiving

apps & dips

challah!!  it made me so happy to have challah at Thanksgiving

yummy salad w/pomegranate seeds

green beans



my plate, just before I dug in


I believe these were all taken on Natalie's iPhone - great job Nat! (she's the one in purple).  I just wanted to share one more group shot:

aren't we cute?

On the Saturday following Thanksgiving I went on a little adventure to the Fullerton Arboretum and a brewery called - wait for it - The Bruery - with some of my other friends.  It was the perfect day for such an outing - low 80's, sunny and gorgeous.  I took tons of photos, but won't bore you with all of them.  Here are a few of my faves:

I tried 5 or 6 of their beers which were all interesting and unique.  I'm not a huge beer person, but it was definitely a fun activity.

Already counting down 'til Thanksgiving 2012!!

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