Monday, December 19, 2011


On Saturday roomie Jina and I had a mini TREAT YO SELF day.  What is this magical-sounding event?  I'll let Tom Haverford explain:

While we didn't exactly have the money (or desire) for fine leather goods, we did get mimosas, mani-pedis, macaroni, and most importantly, blowouts!  Let me start at the beginning...

A while back we had gotten gift cards to a salon in Brentwood called DryBar which does, as their motto says, "No cuts. No color. Just blowouts."  Meaning they specialize in blow-drying & styling hair.  The gift cards were going to expire at the end of December so we decided to make our appointments for the weekend following my film shoot.  If you're an avid reader of this blog or know me personally you know that my hair is naturally very curly.  When I straighten it, which isn't very often, it becomes stick straight for as long as I don't wash it.  It's a nice change, but a) it takes forever and is kind of exhausting because my hair is so long, b) because I no longer have highlights to break up the color, it looks greasy by the end of the day and therefore I can only keep it straight a day or two, and c) it lays super flat and looks very "amateur."  I have had it blown out at regular salons in the past, but they've never been able to make it look nice.  So on Saturday I was feeling cautiously optimistic.

I decided to wash my hair myself since it takes so long to get through the tangles so they sat me in the chair and got to work right away - but not before handing me a complimentary mimosa - yum!!  Jina and I both chose the "cosmo" - lots of loose curls - from their menu.  Our stylists were amazing.  I could kind-of see what mine was doing in the mirror across from me, but from the way I was positioned I couldn't see the final product.  She used a gigantor round brush and a blow-dryer for a while and then eventually switched over to a curling iron.  After about 30-40 minutes or so she gave me a nice dose of hairspray and then spun me around to face the real mirror - and that's when my jaw hit the floor.  Who knew my hair could look like that?!?!  It was bouncy and volume-y and soft and smooth and oh so pretty.  I was incredibly  impressed.

Jina finished up a few minutes later and was equally delighted when they spun her around.  Her curls were a lot tighter and they used a lot more hairspray on her knowing the curls would fall quicker.  We knew that the moment we stepped outside (in the December drizzle) the glamorousness would begin to fade so we made sure to take a picture:

While my stylist was working on me she mentioned something about women coming in for blowouts all the time because they get addicted.  I kind-of chuckled, BUT NOW I TOTALLY GET IT.  You can bet money that I will be returning to DryBar prior to every dress-up event I attend in the foreseeable future.

Once I was able to tear myself away from the mirror (it took a while) we went a few doors down to Coral Tree Cafe for lunch.  I'm still day dreaming about the macaroni & cheese that Jina got and my caprese panini. Yummmmmm.  And then the last official stop on the TREAT YO SELF day tour was at the Zumani nail salon across the street.  A friend of mine discovered this place years ago when she was reading a tabloid ago and saw a picture of Reese Witherspoon coming out of the salon.  Turns out they only charge $20 for a mani-pedi and they even put you in those chairs that massage you automatically!  Not a bad deal, right?  Anyway, despite Jina's manicurist being a little crazy/rushed, we had fun - she now has sparkly green nails, I have sparkly purple, and we both have sparkly red toes.

We got to show off the results of TREAT YO SELF Day at a few parties that evening, but the real fun was the being pampered part.  We'll definitely be following in Tom & Donna's footsteps and will be making TREAT YO SELF Day an annual occurance.

"Best day of the year!"

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