Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fall/Winter Recap Part Two: NYC

Instead of giving you a full play-by-play of my entire trip to NYC, a la my previous post, I'm going to tell you about one particularly magical day....

As mentioned here, in advance of the trip I made arrangements to go see Boyfriend's childhood best friend in Phantom of the Opera.  I got tickets for myself, Lisa and Laura for the matinee show.  Knowing I would have some time in the morning, I made plans to meet a friend of mine from high school and his wife for brunch.

So after a much-needed good night's sleep at Rachel's place in the financial district (those red-eye flights just keep getting increasingly rough for me), we took the subway to Union Square.  As she left to go get a haircut, I wandered around in the farmers market for a bit.  The fall produce was so colorful!  Distracted by taking photos, I almost literally bumped into my friend and his wife.  We went to Chat n Chew for brunch which was delicious - all three of us ordered the exact same meal - some kind of veggie fritata special.  It was great to catch up and hear about what they've both been up to recently.  The last time I saw them might have been their wedding in 2009!

Once we finished up I hopped back on the subway over to Times Square for the show.  After picking up the tickets I wandered a little bit more.  When at one point I stopped to take a photo, a giant promoter-y type guy yelled over to me,
"Want to see a funny show tonight?"
To which I replied, "I am!"
"What are you seeing?" he asked, to which I replied (without even trying to hide my bubbling-over excitement):


This part of the trip was a somewhat last minute addition to the itinerary.  Thanks to a good friend of mine with some super amazing connections, I was able to get 3 tickets to the dress rehearsal.  The host that week was Emma Stone, who I absolutely love and have what I like to call a "girl crush" on, and the musical guest was Coldplay, a band I've enjoyed for many years.  Plus, I'm one of the few people I know who actually still watches SNL regularly every week.  So needless to say I was REALLY excited.  Anyway, the giant promoter-y guy was notably impressed and told me to have fun as I went on my way.  "Oh, I will my friend, I will."

Laura and Lisa met me outside the Majestic theater just in time for the show - which was fantastic.  I'd only seen the Joel Schumacher movie and the silent film from 1925 so it was a lot of fun to see it performed live.  And of course, the star of the show in my eyes was Monsieur Andre, a.k.a. Aaron Galligan-Stierle.  After the show was over Aaron had us meet him backstage and he gave us a tour - we not only got to see the costumes, the wigs, the trapdoors & everything hiding below them, but we also got to actually go onstage.  We even snuck in a picture with the famous chandelier.  As someone who used to perform in every every school play and still gets emotional during any standing ovation at a theater, it was absolutely surreal to be standing on a legit Broadway stage.
that's Aaron on the right!  this poster hangs on the outside wall of the theater

After the show we walked a couple blocks to Havana Central where we had an absolutely fantastic (and surprisingly fast!) Cuban meal.  Aaron filled us in on more secrets of the stage, signed our playbills - how cool is that?! - and then bid us adieu.

As we made our way over to Rockefeller Center and got in line for the show, I started realizing what a big fan of it I really am.  I remember sketches going back to the very early 90's, and am familiar with others from before I was allowed to watch.  I attempt to imitate Kristen Wiig's Judy Grimes and Garth & Kat on a regular basis, and actually cheer out loud whenever Stefon is on.  Most recently this video made me so badly want to move to NYC just so I could try to work on the show:

A) How much fun does it look like they're having?
B) Jina and I have decided that we HAVE to get this (and all Robyn songs) for the Wii Just Dance game

Anyway, the show was an absolute f*ing blast.  It was fascinating watching the crew switch out the sets and set up for the next sketch in what seems like just a few short seconds.  They're incredible at what they do.  And they do a few more sketches during the dress rehearsal to see what sticks and what doesn't so we even got some extra show!  And I think the Crying to Adele's "Someone Like You" sketch will go down in SNL history.  They were very VERY clear about not taking any photos whatsoever in Studio 8H so I don't have any from the show, but we did get this beautiful scene when we emerged:

What a perfect NY night.

But it wasn't over yet!  Since Rachel was soon-to-be leaving New York she and her roommates decided to throw a party that night.  So after SNL Lisa, Laura, and I made our way back down to the financial district to join the fun.  They had Just Dance going on the Wii (I rocked it if I do say so myself) and lots of yummy food & drink to nibble and sip.  It was cool to meet so many of Rachel's friends.  By the time the last of the guests left around 2:30 am I was completely exhausted.  Never had an air mattress looked so inviting.

I'm pretty sure I woke up the next morning asking myself, did that all really happen?  Well, it did, and I'm so happy it did because it's days like those that I will never ever forget.

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