Thursday, August 25, 2011

Being Clumsy: [has always been] My Best Thing

I feel like this poor kid today:

Photo credit:

Yesterday while un-jamming the copier/printer for the 1290385419231356754th time I banged my head on one of the doors/pieces of the printer that I had pulled out to access its inky/dusty/toner-y innards.  It hurt.  A lot.  I'm still not even sure exactly how I did it, but at least I got to see some pretty stars.

No need to feel badly though; this is nothing new.  There is rarely a day goes by that I don't bump into a coffee table or hit my elbow on a door frame or inflict some other kind of superficial injury upon myself.  Mystery bruises/tender spots love to show up on my body unannounced.  My boyfriend of 3 years is still amazed by how a simple squeeze on the arm can produce a yelp of pain because he happened to touch me right where I accidentally fell onto a file cabinet the day before.

Somehow, at almost-28, I don't think this is something I will ever grow out of.  But things could be a lot worse right?  I'll just have to keep that in mind the next time I see those stars.

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