Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Biking is My [New] Best Thing (not really, but let's pretend)

I recently moved and now only live 1.1 miles from my place of work.  I've been trying to get in the habit of walking and not using my car to get to and from the office.  Walking, however, still takes >20 minutes and requires me to carry a heavy backpack with a change of clothes/shoes, deodorant, a water bottle, my purse, etc.  When a coworker offered to loan me her extra bike of course I jumped at the chance.  I figured it would be "so much faster and easier!" and would save me on those days I'm in a rush.

So it's Tuesday morning and I'm about to leave for my first ride in on my new (well, new to me.  It's actually pretty old) purple bike.  I have a helmet (also on loan) and a brand new shiny/sturdy lock so I am READY.  As I get to the end of the driveway a whole handful of things occur to me simultaneously:  1) With the exception of spinning classes and one leisurely ride to the beach on a special bike path, I have not actually ridden a bike since living with my parents (and certainly not as a means of transportation).  2) I have to share the road with CARS and this is LOS ANGELES.  3) The seat of the bike is wayyyy too low , 4) the helmet won't stay on properly, 5) and my backpack is even heavier than when I walk because the super heavy lock is in it.  5) This is going to be far more difficult than I imagined.  Basically this could have happened at any moment:

Image credit:

While I did make to the office without incident (thank goodness), every other biker in the vicinity flew past me.  I was also a lot sweatier than I anticipated (yum), but that might have been from fear, not exertion.  Either way it took me so long to figure out how to lock the bike up in the garage that I'm sure I would have gotten there faster if I had walked.  *Sigh*

But I will not give up!  This afternoon I will take the bike to the shop across the street for help adjusting the seat and handlebars, and I will look into getting a basket and a mount for the lock.  I'm sure with time I'll get used to sharing the road, and let's be honest, it's really not that far and it's all side streets.  So even though biking may not be My Best Thing just yet, I'm sure it's just a matter of time...  Right?

For anyone out there who's Best Thing is biking, check out this awesome tidbit from Curbed LA.  And any tips/bits of advice for a new biker are welcome in the comments!

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