Thursday, August 25, 2011

No One's Best Thing: Natural Disasters

Earlier this week, as an earthquake rattled the East Coast, Twitter exploded, we West Coast-ers giggled, which made the East Coast mad, but then they giggled too.  The end result:

Here are a few more pictures of the epic devastation.

But now people are boarding up their windows and fleeing their homes in preparation for the arrival of Hurricane Irene.  New York, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina have all declared states of emergency.  The Weather Channel is calling it an "extreme" and "extraordinary" threat.

I mean, this is really scary right?

To my family, friends, and readers who might be in Irene's path: PLEASE please do what you need to do to protect your home and get yourself and your pets (read this if you have one) out of harm's way.  Seriously, stop reading this right now and GO.

In the meantime I will be praying you all stay safe.  <3

PS.  Are there really people out there still doubting global warming/global weirding?  Really?  If so, they need to WAKE THE F*CK UP.

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