Friday, August 26, 2011

McDonald's Coffee: My Best [Morning] Thing

"Small coffee, black and an egg McMuffin, no meat"

This is my standard order at the local McD's.  I consider it a "treat" (as opposed to my usual boring cereal or instant oatmeal and gross office coffee) and want to keep it that way so I try to limit my "splurges" to about once every couple of weeks, sometimes once a week.  I bring it in to work and the coffee is still piping hot when I get in.  I add a little bit of 2%, some sweetener, and my morning becomes instantly better.  Happy Friday to me!

PS.  This is not a "sponsored" post.  I just really love McDonald's coffee.

PPS.  Unless you feel like losing your breakfast, don't scroll too far down if you ever do a Google image search for "mcdonalds coffee" (though I suppose this could be applied to any Google image search).  There are some pretty graphic images of coffee-spill burns - yikes. 

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