Monday, August 29, 2011

Cookie Monster Cake: "me don't want to touch, me want to eat."

Last night I got together with some friends to watch the VMAs, and someone brought THIS:

I mean, does it get any better than a cake, covered in icing, with cookies sticking out of it?!

It turned our lips/tongues/teeth bright blue, which was HYSTERICAL (but lesbihonest, after 3 glasses of champagne almost anything is hysterical).  In the end we only really ate the "face" so I brought the leftovers in to work today.  I can't wait to see who of my coworkers will be walking around with blue lips!

PS. that is a legit Cookie Monster quote in the title of this post.  It is from "Sesame Street at the Metropolitan Museum of Art" (1983).  The full quote:
[Cookie Monster sees a painting of fruit]
Cookie Monster: Me eat picture!
Bob: No, no, no, Cookie Monster. You can't touch the picture.
Cookie Monster: No, me don't want to touch, me want to eat.
Bob: No, you can't, nooooo!
Cookie Monster: Let me eat frame.
Bob: The sign, Cookie Monster, look at the sign.
[sees a sign that forbids eating pictures]
Cookie Monster: Please don't eat the pictures. Aw, this going to be long night.

I <3 Cookie Monster.  Sesame Street was totally one of My Best Things during childhood and I hope it's around forever!

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