Thursday, October 27, 2011

Obligatory Halloween Post (not really my Best Thing)

Seeing as most people will be celebrating Halloween* this weekend, I figured it would be appropriate to post this today even though it's not actually Halloween (or the weekend yet, but let's pretend).

*I personally am not into the holiday.  It was never a "thing" with my family growing up as it's a pagan holiday (remember how we're Jews?) - my parents would take us trick-or-treating and would have candy out, but it just wasn't a big deal.  Later, as probably a 4th or 5th grader, my parents let me go with a group of girlfriends - no parents - for the first time.  Towards the end of the night we were attacked by a few older boys - they shoved us to the ground, ripped our costumes, stole our candy, etc.  A couple of the girls were pretty scratched/scraped/bruised up, and since then I've never really been interested in participating.

That being said, I love coming up with costume ideas for other people.

Every year Boyfriend goes to a party his friends throw called Halloweenenigma.  It's kind of intense - there are puzzles to solve and contests to compete in, and the (very creative and resourceful) organizers shoot videos to get people excited for it.  This year the theme is internet memes, and the pre-party videos (there have been at least 2 so far) have involved their friend Chris getting lost in the internet.  Here's the second one:

Did you catch all the references?

In case you didn't...

So Boyfriend's idea (his friend is joining him and they're attempting to come up with something together) is to dress as the D*ck In a Box guys:

Meh.  I see how it could be funny, but it's so obvious and I feel like it's probably been done before.

Here are some ideas I've come up with:
  • Christian the Lion - wear all gold/tan, a mane, and give people huge hugs after talking to them for a minute.

  • Harry NOT Charlie - wear an "England" t-shirt, carry a green blankie, and stick your fingers in people's mouths.

  • An LOL cat - wear any old kitty costume, but ALSO carry a cheezburger and wear capshunz:

  • The ShakeWeight - either wear mostly white, but with black shoes and socks and black hat OR dress as the girl on the box and carry the ShakeWeight around:

  • Homestar Runner, or better yet, The Cheat! - wear all yellow, maybe get some yellow face paint, and apply black spots:

  • SALAD FINGERS! - dress like Salad Fingers, maybe get some green face paint, and carry around rusty spoons (if you get this reference we're destined to be BFFs):

  • Peanut Butter Jelly Time - dress like a banana (maybe carry a baseball bat?) - so easy: 


  • Double Rainbow - find a friend and both dress as rainbows:

  • BadgerBadgerBadger - for this one you'd some friends - one dresses like a mushroom, another like a snake and the rest as badgers:

  • Antoine Dodson - probably the easiest of them all as you only need a red bandana and a wife-beater (if you can get a little voice distorter to auto-tune yourself, even better!):

I could go on and on but frankly, I don't have the time!  Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.


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