Thursday, October 6, 2011

Discombobulated Thursday: Apparently IMBT

I'm kind of all over the place today so I apologize in advance...

Everyone's been posting Steve Jobs' Stanford commencement address.  If you haven't already watched it, you should.  It's inspiring.  And sad.  But also happy.  Here:

If, like me, you're now curious about the Whole Earth Catalog he mentioned, here's their site.

This is also fascinating.

And finally, did you hear about this?  CRAY-CRAY.

Our family's first computer was an old school Macintosh that my dad built himself.  It took actually-floppy floppy disks.  My current MacBook Pro and iPod have traveled the world with me.  33% of YOU, the readers of this blog, are viewing this on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

We'll miss you Steve.

Completely unrelated, and because I think we could all use some joy, check out this crazy awesome (but maybe a little creepy) new Florence + The Machine Video:

Also, in addition to it being my BFF Lisa's bday, yesterday was also Kate Winslet AND Guy Pearce's birthdays!  Both!  On the same day!  Why is this a thing?  Because they're our prize Emmy winners, duh.  So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the both of you <3


Seriously, why can't that be my life?

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