Friday, October 28, 2011

Boston U: It will always & forever be MBT!

It's BU Spirit Day 2011!

(Has this always been an annual event?  If so, I definitely wasn't aware)

So in honor of my Alma mater, where I learned many important things (such as how to pregame enough that you won't feel how cold it is when you're walking to party at MIT in January, or how to maneuver a suitcase, a carry-on and a laptop bag on the T, or how to circumvent the "system" by sneaking guests in through basement windows), I dedicate this post to all my fellow Terriers!

To the girls of 18c, my freshman year co-conspirators of Warren Towers:  Those who would be reading this are still some of my closest friends to this day.  I'm seeing two of you in just a few weeks and I can't wait!  One of you lives in LA and every time I see you it's a super special TREAT. ;-)  You all are my besties and my life would be empty without you!  Those who definitely aren't reading this: oh boy, well, you certainly made that year interesting...  And to those who might be reading this: I'm sorry we haven't kept in better touch, but Facebook tells me you're living fantastic lives.  I hope our paths cross again one day - thank you for being part of such a crazy/fun/scary/awesome/intense/emotional/amazing year of my life.

To the 12c & fellow engineering boys, COM/Film/BUTV friends, Myles buddies, "Afterschool" friends, and FK4L:  I miss you all!  From ice cream sculptures in the Warren dining hall, to heading over to the Esplinade in the middle of the night to watch shooting stars, to handing out Mylar blankets at the Marathon, to shooting comedy sketches all over campus, to cocktails in costume with Blue Man Group, to Dunkin runs at 3am, to the unreal things our Hamilton kids used to say, my memories of times with you are the fondest.  I am so happy I've been able to see some of you over the years in New York, LA, Las Vegas, Boston (and a select few of you in all 4!) and San Francisco, though I do wish it could be more often.

To the friends I made on BU's Study Abroad program in Sydney, Fall '04:  I was recently looking through photos from our semester and words cannot even begin to describe how much I miss being in Sydney with you all.  I still consider that time the best four consecutive months of my life.  The dream of a reunion trip is still alive, let's make it happen!

And to my fellow LA Transplants:  Lesbihonest, I wouldn't still be here were it not for you.  LA is a tough place, but you guys make getting through the hard times worth it.  And seeing how much we've grown and collectively accomplished is pretty ridiculous.  I'm so proud of us!  Less than a month 'til Transplant Thanksgiving!!!

Most of my BU photos are buried on an external hard drive somewhere, but thankfully I found a few online to share:

Kenmore Square Sunset

view from my junior year room in Myles

Bay State Rd.

Boston blizzard!

abroad in Sydney

Great Ocean Rd., Australia

Terriers celebrating the historic '04 Red Sox win in Sydney

Bondi Beach, Australia (one of my favorite pictures of all time)

the BU "Beach"

campus & the Charles


"home" for 2 years

visiting campus summer '10

Go Terriers!


  1. FK4L <3s and misses you too! so many good memories :)

  2. I love you. And I love this blog. I miss warren towers soft ice cream sculptures.

  3. I'm catching up on your blog and I just read this!! Brings back so many memories :) Hope you're having fun in NYC!! You're MBT, pooper! 18C forever.
