Friday, October 14, 2011

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing! (10/14 edition)

I'm going to be signing off for a little while as I'm going out of town (more on that in a minute), so I thought I'd do a little round-up of updates and fun stuff...

Updates (because I know you all are dying to know):

Our first Young Storytellers session went well.  There was one really blunt/funny little girl who directly called out one of my coworkers for being new (how did she know???), and was really disappointed to learn that she wouldn't get out of doing her regular homework by being part of the group.  I'm excited for this event tomorrow night (HBO got the mentors special tickets) and seeing what else the semester has in store...

I've been riding my bike to work a couple times a week!  I have a basket (thanks Nicole!), which I use to carry the uber-heavy lock and my purse, cute little flashing lights for the ride home at night and new handlebar grips which don't leave crusty black grossness all over my my hands (thanks Amazon!).  Each time it gets a little easier - especially locking it up - but I still get sweatier & more tired than I should be getting.

I finished reading The Hunger Games over a month ago, but I needed some time to process.  I was truthfully a bit underwhelmed by how it all ended.  It's definitely difficult to write about it without giving anything away, but it felt to me like the author took the "easy" way out in trying to resolve the stories of two of the main characters.  Also,one of those "resolutions" was uber depressing.  But I suppose it's kind of a depressing world to start out with, and the advantage of writing a novel (as opposed to a screenplay) is that you're not necessarily as pressured to provide a "Hollywood" ending (I write that as if I know.  I don't know, I'm just assuming).  It will be very interesting to me to see what Lionsgate does with it and whether they change anything.  I'm still a big fan of THG trilogy overall, I still think the first book was one the most interesting, different and enthralling pieces of literature I've read in years, and I will be counting down to March 23rd.

Terra Nova has been a bit disappointing, sadly.  I was really hoping for full-on mystery/sci-fi and it feels more like a family drama that just happens to be set in a world where there are dinosaurs.  They tipped their hand on what could have been an intriguing mystery in the first episode, the kids just kind of generally annoy me, and they chose to do an amnesia storyline just 3 episodes in.  What the what?  Not giving up yet, but I reeeeally hope they start ramping up the mystery and sci-fi elements and dial back the cheese.

I leave on Sunday for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah and I CAN'T WAIT.  I still have to pack, but if you know me at all you know it's physically impossible for me to start packing until the last minute.  I'm going to be working both shifts each day so I'm probably not going to be posting much next week, but I promise to write a nice long blog, complete with pictures of all the animals, when I get back.

Fun stuff:

THE AVENGERS trailer!!!  Click here to watch in hi-def or just press play:

All those exterior New York City shots (with the exception of the skyline/heli shots) were actually shot in downtown Cleveland!  So excited for this film.

This behind-the-scenes interview/clip of Martin Scorcese talking about HUGO:

My favorite kind of movies are those that surprise me somehow (which is why I loved MIDNIGHT IN PARIS and enjoyed 50/50 to name a couple from this past year).  I think HUGO will do the same.  It looks delightful and interesting and lovely and I can't wait to see it.  Plus, I love love love Marty (as you already know).

From last night's episode of "Jersey Shore":
  • That was the best day of my life on the grill
  • Comprimization
  • We aquaintance ourself with him
  • Burning your kuka in a jacuzzi: Meatball problems!
  • Do sex (this isn't a new one, they just used it A LOT and it's still so funny)
My roommate and I are going to be very sad when this season wraps up - where else will we learn new jardon?

The craziest part of this clip is that HE'S DOING THAT ON A BOAT:

OK, a cruise ship, but still.

That's all folks!  Have a great week next week and don't miss me too much!  ;-)

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