Monday, January 23, 2012



The starting line-up was released today.  I haven't been able to get past the first picture:

This puppy's name is Aberdeen.  Aren't you just DYING of cute?  I love the fun facts for each puppy - Aberdeen's is that she's saving to buy a sailboat.

Whoever at Animal Planet came up with this inspired bit of counter-programming is a genius.  I will actually sit and watch the entire show from start to finish.  Did you know that all the puppies that play in the Puppy Bowl are available for adoption?  I'm sure the applications come pouring in right away.  And if puppies aren't your thing (really? who are you?) there's always the kitty half-time show, the chicken cheerleaders (they used to be bunnies - I wonder why they made that change?) and the hamster blimp pilots.  SO MUCH CUTE!

Wondering how it all comes together?  Check out this little behind-the-scenes video:

I've been invited to what sounds like an EPIC Super Bowl party this year, but I'm considering not going because I'd rather stay home and watch the Puppy Bowl in my pajamas.  Decisions, decisions.  In the meantime, which is your favorite puppy?

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