Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Random Video Wednesday: IMBT

This is quite possibly the funniest video I have ever seen:

Alana, Age 6, Best Beauty Pageant Kid, Ever |

I shared it on FB yesterday and surprisingly it got no responses.  No comments, no likes, nada.  But I did separately share it with one friend of mine who I knew would appreciate it.  She agreed that it was hilarious, re-posted and her friends loved it.  So at least I know it wasn't just me.

I love that it's "Extreme Couponing" and "Toddlers & Tiaras" combined.  I love the way Alana talks.  I love how much she loves her belly.  I especially love that the camera crew can't even keep it together.

Here's the extended version from YouTube in case you want just a little bit more Alana or were just too lazy (no judgement!) to follow the link:

That is all I have for today - it's a slow week, what can I say?

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