Friday, January 6, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVRYONE'S best thing! (1/6 Edition)

First:  A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my roomie Aaron (who will probably never read this).

Me & Aaron - probably at least 4 or 5 years ago

Second:  IT'S BAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!  America's favorite Guidos & Guidettes and the inspiration for this blog returned to TV last night.  Did you watch?  Did you catch these gems from PaulyD and The Situation?:

"I'm tanorexic!"
"I just have unbelievable genetics."

Truth be told, it wasn't the most exciting or interesting episode.  The most surprising part was that they picked up *right* where we left off with them departing from Italy and returning directly to the shore house.  No wonder the break seemed so short.  But frankly I'm getting tired of Mike starting fake drama - who gives a sh*t at this point whether or not he hooked up with Snooki?  Let's move on please.  I just hope Vinny doesn't leave for good - the show just won't be the same!

image source:

Third:  Has anyone out there been watching the HBO* Sports Documentary Series "24/7Road to the Winter Classic"?  The last of four episodes aired last night and I just want to say how much I enjoyed it.  The series follows the two teams who have been selected to play in the NHL Winter Classic - an outdoor hockey game played on New Year's Day (or in this year's case, the day after) - in the weeks leading up to it.

image source:

Boyfriend first got me into the show last year (in it's first season) when it featured the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals.  As you know, he's a huge Pens fan and was understandably very excited for both the show and the Winter Classic.  I didn't expect to like it, but the storytelling - both the stories themselves and the "how on earth did they get those shots??" moments (I'm referring primarily to camera, but also to hockey) - just sucked me in.  Since Boyfriend had managed to get tickets to the Winter Classic (being played at the Steelers' stadium in Pittsburgh), and since I was driving down from Cleveland to go with him, I was extra invested.

This year featured the New York Rangers and the Philadelphia Flyers - two teams I knew NOTHING about, but now can name at least 5-10 of the players & coaches off the top of my head.  Once again I was sucked in by the superb storytelling, only this time I didn't have any biases going in.

image source:
My favorite moment over the four episodes was probably when my new crush, Rangers Center Brian Boyle, dressed up as Buddy the Elf (see left) for the Rangers Christmas party.  They used the soundbite of him yelling out "SANTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!  I KNOW HIM!!!" at least twice, which made me very happy (I love that movie so much).  The show also followed him to his family's Christmas dinner where we met his TWELVE siblings!!  And then of course my least favorite moment was when they showed him making out with his date(? hopefully not girlfriend?) on NYE.  Vom.

I'm dying to know what they shoot on, as it looks f*cking amazing.  The interviews in particular are lit SO WELL - huge props to the DP and camera teams on this show.  I'm also dying to know how many crews there are and how the producers map out when to shoot and who to follow.

By the way, I'm not the only one who finds the show fascinating.  Check out this write-up in the New York Times, this write-up on, and this write-up on (who I guess kind of have to like it, but whatever).  The bottom line, as ESPN puts it, "For a fan of the game at any level, the HBO experience gives us the game shot through a completely different prism.  At its best, the HBO series continues to tell us hockey stories in terrifically unique ways and show us things that even those of us intimately involved in the game don’t see."

If you missed the series and want to see what all the fuss is about, sign on to HBOGo - there are a few short, promo-y videos and the full Episode 1.  The rest of the episodes will undoubtedly be added soon.  Trust me, you won't regret it.

*An an employee of HBO I am required to say: These are my own views and they donʼt necessarily reflect the views of HBO.

Last:  I leave you with this incredible selection of photographs - hopefully it will put a smile on your face as we break for our first weekend of 2012.  My favorite is below.

Happy Friday Y'all!!

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