Wednesday, January 18, 2012

IMBT Birthday Shoutout: Capricorns!

Wow, January is a popular month for birthdays.  I was too busy to post yesterday so first I would first like to wish a belated very happy birthday to three fabulous ladies I admire, all of whom celebrated their birthdays yesterday:

image credit:
1)  Zooey Deschanel.  As you already know, I really enjoy her show "New Girl" on Fox.  Last night's episode, which centered around Schmidt's birthday, was no exception.  The first act was so LSHWC funny that we had to pause and rewind at least 3 times.  The "We're bronemies.  He's my fremesis" lines, and the single-syllable word examples were absolutely hilarious.  I realize Zooey might not be super involved with the writing of the show, but I hope she enjoys being on it as much of the rest of enjoy watching it.  Happy belated birthday Zooey!

photo from Vogue
2)  Michelle Obama.  She's uber-intelligent (she graduated from both Princeton AND Harvard - with honors!), she's powerful & influential (since she's taken on our nation's childhood obesity problem, the The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was signed into law and schools around the country school have stepped up to the plate - more info here), she's stunning - see right - (her smile is magical, I love basically everything she wears, and she's been on the cover of Vogue!), she seems like a super-loving mom, and she's MARRIED TO THE PRESIDENT!  If that doesn't describe a true role model, I don't know what does.  The below photos aren't really related to it being her birthday, but I thought they were so beautiful that I just had to include them.  Happy belated birthday Michelle!

3)  Betty White.  America's favorite Golden Girl turned 90 yesterday.  90!  NBC commemorated the event by broadcasting a special in her honor.  Clearly, I'm not the only one who wanted to wish her well.  As Newsday pointed out, "Nearly 14 million people tuned in to her "Betty White's 90th Birthday" special last night!  Yes: That's a huge number, and for NBC an almost unheard of one. Consider that just under 17 million checked out the Golden Globes which means . . . Betty White is nearly as important as the Golden Globes."  Even the President took a moment out of his busy day (and his own wife's birthday) to send Betty a message:

Happy belated birthday Betty!

Today a number of my own friends celebrate their birthdays.  I wish to give a shoutout to two very close friends in particular: my former roomie and BFF since the age of 13, Lesli, and fellow Terrier and current collaborator/partner on exciting film projects, Mike.

When looking up the attributes of the Capricorn I found this: "The Capricorn is the strong friend, they will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. A Capricorn will get someone back on their feet again with a steady plan for success and for all this, they expect nothing in return."  I truly can't think of a better way to describe both Lesli and Mike.  The happiest of birthdays to you both and all the best in the year to come!

PS. Lesli - a special picture just for you:

I will "owl"ways love you - get it?!

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