Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Technology: Currently Not My Best Thing

Yes, I am back from my cruise.  No, I have not been able to post about it yet.  Why?  Because this has been me the last two days:

image source: upfrontcfd.com

(I intended to use an image depicting general computer frustration, but I'm realizing that perhaps this fellow is actually frustrated over World of Warcraft.)

While I was out on vacay "the network" detected a virus on my computer.  So as to prevent an outbreak - CONTAGION-style but electronic - from taking down all of HBO, IT swooped in and swiped out my computer for a temporary replacement.  All my settings, bookmarks, shortcuts, etc. went with the old, infected, machine and weren't transferred over.  The temp sitting at my desk did a fantastic job holding down the fort, especially considering this hiccup, but neglected to warn me that I would be coming in to a completely unfamiliar machine on Monday morning.  SO, in addition to trying to catch up with my hundreds of emails and massive to-do list, I spent a great deal of time yesterday trying to figure out what the hell was going on.  By the end of the day I had gotten most of my usual settings, configurations, etc. back in order, even though there was a lot of program-installing left to do.

Then today, what started as a routine OS update & app installation for my boss' iPad turned into entire system replacements for both her and myself (they'd been telling us we were "due for upgrades" for months so I guess they decided just to do it then and there)!  Thankfully IT brought all the information from my old OLD system with them and were able to automatically configure most things for me.  However, between the two desktops and the iPad this process took about 3 1/2 hours.  So, no down time for drafting blog posts.

But I am back and I can't wait to share photos and tales from my Caribbean adventure - stay tuned!

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