Friday, February 10, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVRYONE'S best thing! (2/10 Edition)

I've been having a rough week.  Let's get right to the fun stuff:

Jealous on so many levels.

Mama wolf is so protective!  Speaking of wolves...


One more too-cute animal pair:

That kitten reminds of what my cat looked like when he was a baby!  I wish he had a doggie friend.

And finally:

How brave and awesome!  While I obviously would've wanted to do the same thing, I definitely would've been scared because the animal was clearly distressed.  Glad he was able to help!  Speaking of rescuing whales, guess what this weekend is?...........

If you guessed BIG MIRACLE, congratulations - you guessed correctly!!  John Krasinsky + Whales = <3  Seeing it on Sunday - can't wait!

Happy Friday everybody!!

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