Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Last week both "30 Rock" and "Parks & Recreation" had special Leap Day episodes and tonight "Modern Family" will do the same.  Since when is Leap Day a thing?  I'm not complaining, it's cute, but besides for the disastrous Amy Adams barf-fest which taught me that "In Ireland, a woman can propose to a man on the 29th of February"* (which, side note, is an INCREDIBLY specific situation (especially if you don't already live in Ireland) and is also ridiculous and is ALSO detrimental to the entire Feminism movement), I don't think I've ever heard 2/29 referred to as "Leap Day" before.  So I repeat, since when is Leap Day a thing?  Has everyone always referred to it this way?

Either way, thank you to "30 Rock" for supplying the title of today's post.

In other news, I would also like to thank the documentary film UNDEFEATED for almost single-handedly helping me to win a total of $120 in two separate Oscar pools.  Almost everyone else I knew put down PARADISE LOST as the winner so this category really secured it for me.  I would also like to thank my "lucky" number 13 for helping me with the tie-breaker in one pool - we had to predict the running time of the telecast and I had it down to the exact minute (3 hours 13 minutes).  Woot!

Here are some photos of some of my favorite/best moments/things from the evening (images from

Judd & Leslie - my favorite dress of the night
Zach & Will - perhaps the first presenters to enter/emerge from the orchestra pit?
Jim Rash/Dean Pelton impersonating Angelina
Rose & Melissa - continuing their drinking game from the Globes
Ben & Emma (my BFF) & Robert backstage
Esperanza & Gil - I loved her rendition of "What a Wonderful World"
Colin & Meryl - Oscar royalty
Jean & Uggie - I don't think it gets any more adorable than this

One final Oscar-related item before I can move on with my life:  This article about the connection between THE ARTIST Director Michel Hazanavicius and Producer Thomas Langman.  As a grandchild of four Holocaust survivors, this made me love the film even more (who knew that was possible?).  Thank you to my aunt for sending me the link.

And now, as we look forward to March, LET THE COUNTDOWNS BEGIN:

23 days 'til THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!
image source:

25 days 'til "Mad Men" returns!!!!!
image source:

It's going to be a fun month, don't you agree?

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