Friday, November 4, 2011

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing! (11/04 edition)

We are full swing into the second-to-last month of the year.  How crazy is that?  This week we're casting the next short I'm producing (currently titled TOMATO CAN), then one week from today I'll be waking up in sunny wet and cold NYC (truth).  Before we know it it'll be Thanksgiving - my favourite holiday EVER (post coming soon), then it'll be time to shoot TOMATO CAN, and then it'll be holiday party season woot woot!

But until then, here are some links and vids to keep us all entertained...

First, may I present the best Microsoft Paint music video I've ever seen (warning, lyrics NSFW):

Thank you to The Hairpin for sharing.

Second, my female roomie, Queen of Finding Amazing Tumblrs, sent me this hilarious one yesterday:  This is exactly how my cat would behave if he knew how to IM.  It's double rainbow amazeballs because it reminds me of Amy Poehler's hysterical "Kaitlin" character from SNL who used to drive her Uncle Rick crazy.  Unfortunately I can't embed a video from Hulu, but you can watch one of the sketches HERE.

Third, a friend shared this, one of the greatest inventions I've ever seen, on FB this morning:

It's called Baggy Winecoat.  Here are more details on how to use it:

It looks like a purse... BUT IT'S FILLED WITH WINE!!!  Must. Have. Right. Now.

Fourth, Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious:

And lastly, The Animal Rescue Site has posted this super adorable video earlier this week.  I've re-posted below, but be sure to go to their site and click so they get the credit!

Don't forget kids, Daylight Savings ends this weekend so be sure to change your clocks.  Spring forward Fall back - we gain an hour, hooray!

Happy Friday y'all!

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