Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Big Apple: ALMOST MBT

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The countdown is almost over!  Tomorrow night I fly to NYC and I'm SUPER excited.

I'm only planning two really "big" activities.  One, which I'm still waiting for confirmation on, is seeing the Broadway production of Phantom of the Opera.  Boyfriend's best buddy just recently began playing the role of Monsieur Andre (funny story actually) and I'm looking forward to seeing him.

The other was JUST THIS MINUTE confirmed, and, as I'm currently keeping it as a surprise for my friends who might join me, I will only offer the following three clues:
  • My girl crush
  • Not U2
  • Partially mentioned in a previous IMBT Birthday Shoutout (you'll have to figure out which one!)

Other than that, I just plan on lots of catching up with friends and enjoying Manhattan in the fall.  Speaking of which, I've been tracking the weather really closely because I really really REALLY don't want it to rain.  Having lived in LA for almost 7 years I just don't own appropriate clothing for any weather besides "nice".  I went a little nuts this week and impulse-purchased waterproof, cozy boots (see below) online and had them shipped to my friend's place in NY.  I also went on a shopping spree at Old Navy but will only bring about 5 of the items (out of, like, 15) with me - I just can't resist sparkly tank tops!  *Sigh*  At least I'll have these:

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Cute, right?

I do have a couple questions for my fellow frequent travelers and NY natives:

1. Does Virgin America provide pillows on their red-eyes?  Continental does not and I have learned to bring one with me.  But I'd rather not if I don't have to...

2. I'm planning on inviting friends to join me for drinks on Friday evening and, as is always the case, I have no idea where.  Any thoughts about a fun, relaxed, not-too-expensive, centrally located bar in Manhattan (I've been looking mainly at lower Manhattan as that's where I'll be staying that night)?  Any and all suggestions are welcome.  I've been using this website and Yelp to check some out and am thinking about GoldBar (I mean, if for nothing else just to confirm it's a real place), Ward III, Whiskey Tavern (I love the quote on the front page: "I love this place." - Anonymous), or AnotherRoom.  If any of you have ever been let me know in the comments!

And now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to go make a packing list!

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