Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Weekend Plans & It's Time. : Today's BTs

I know I know, I've been slowing down with the posts lately.  I've been busy at work and any spare time is going to the short I'm producing (we shoot in 11 days!), but lesbihonest, that's no excuse!  So to keep all 8 (I kid, I kid) of you entertained, remember this?:

Original, higher quality video here:  http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/b776c00c54/weekend-plans-from-riegel-blatt

It's almost Strawberry season guys.  Still cracks me up.

Also, this has been making the rounds this week:

So it's a totally beautiful video right?  And everyone's talking about its cultural significance and how inspirational it is.  But of course I immediately recognized the Sydney locations and it just made me wish I was back there!

that's not me, i think it's just a rando who happened to be posing in my shot

Post any awesome vids you've come across recently in the comments - sharing is caring people!

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