Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"New Girl": IMBT

How hilarious was last night's episode of "New Girl"?

I didn't even realize how much I missed it until we turned it on.  I realize it has haters (doesn't everything though?) and that a lot of people find it annoying, but I really don't.  I think it's delightful and adorable.

Two reasons I find it so endearing: A) The way Jess likes to sing everything reminds me so much of one of my male roommates who likes to sing everything all the time and B) It makes my female roommate crack up, and her laugh is totally contagious so I always crack up as well.  I don't mean just a chuckle or light laugh, I mean wiping-away-tears-and-having-to-rewind-so-you-don't-miss-the-next-joke laughing so hard.  I think the way they push jokes to their perfect limit - prime example: Nick getting Jess to properly say "penis" - really helps.

Highlights from last night's ep include:
  • Jess' suggestion to watch FAME or AN AMERICAN TALE ("It's about a little Jewish mouse, with a big heart...") instead of the scary movie the boys put on.
  • Jess' description of Nick's belly as "The little pooch where you keep your extra cookies."
  • Lake Bell as the mystifying Amanda and Nick's out-loud exclamation of shock that she went for him.
  • The aforementioned penis pronunciation scene.
  • Schmidt's latest idiosyncratic need to see Nick's penis so as not to be the only one who hasn't.
I'm hoping the news of the show's dip in ratings doesn't really mean anything.  Fox doesn't think so, though they kind of have to say that.  But I have a feeling, in this case, they're right.  Unfortunately I don't have a clip from last night to share, but here's the pilot promo for any of you who haven't seen it and would like a a taste (you can catch up on Hulu as well):

PS.  Totally am going to start a Slow Chicken Dance at the next wedding I attend.  Who's with me?

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