Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Last week both "30 Rock" and "Parks & Recreation" had special Leap Day episodes and tonight "Modern Family" will do the same.  Since when is Leap Day a thing?  I'm not complaining, it's cute, but besides for the disastrous Amy Adams barf-fest which taught me that "In Ireland, a woman can propose to a man on the 29th of February"* (which, side note, is an INCREDIBLY specific situation (especially if you don't already live in Ireland) and is also ridiculous and is ALSO detrimental to the entire Feminism movement), I don't think I've ever heard 2/29 referred to as "Leap Day" before.  So I repeat, since when is Leap Day a thing?  Has everyone always referred to it this way?

Either way, thank you to "30 Rock" for supplying the title of today's post.

In other news, I would also like to thank the documentary film UNDEFEATED for almost single-handedly helping me to win a total of $120 in two separate Oscar pools.  Almost everyone else I knew put down PARADISE LOST as the winner so this category really secured it for me.  I would also like to thank my "lucky" number 13 for helping me with the tie-breaker in one pool - we had to predict the running time of the telecast and I had it down to the exact minute (3 hours 13 minutes).  Woot!

Here are some photos of some of my favorite/best moments/things from the evening (images from

Judd & Leslie - my favorite dress of the night
Zach & Will - perhaps the first presenters to enter/emerge from the orchestra pit?
Jim Rash/Dean Pelton impersonating Angelina
Rose & Melissa - continuing their drinking game from the Globes
Ben & Emma (my BFF) & Robert backstage
Esperanza & Gil - I loved her rendition of "What a Wonderful World"
Colin & Meryl - Oscar royalty
Jean & Uggie - I don't think it gets any more adorable than this

One final Oscar-related item before I can move on with my life:  This article about the connection between THE ARTIST Director Michel Hazanavicius and Producer Thomas Langman.  As a grandchild of four Holocaust survivors, this made me love the film even more (who knew that was possible?).  Thank you to my aunt for sending me the link.

And now, as we look forward to March, LET THE COUNTDOWNS BEGIN:

23 days 'til THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!
image source:

25 days 'til "Mad Men" returns!!!!!
image source:

It's going to be a fun month, don't you agree?

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Oscars: Always & Forever MBT

As I mentioned yesterday, the Oscars are almost upon us.  I love the Oscars - I have since I was a little girl.  I love the gowns and the glittery jewelry, I love seeing so many huge stars in one room.  Of course, as I've gotten older, and especially as I've begun a career in the entertainment industry, my feelings about all the hoopla, for better or worse, have definitely changed.  But I will always love film and filmmaking and filmmakers, and I will probably always dream of one day accepting my own statuette.  In the meantime...

I just turned in my ballot, and I'm feeling really good about my picks this year.  The only one I'm not sure about is Documentary Feature.  The only nominated film I saw in this category is PARADISE LOST 3: PURGATORY*, and all the pundits/critics/"experts" are divided.  I noticed a slight lean towards the "feel-good" UNDEFEATED so I went with that one.

As for the Best Picture nominees, I've seen eight out of nine.

After I saw MIDNIGHT IN PARIS in June, all year long I kept saying, "MIDNIGHT IN PARIS is my favorite film of 2011 - you have to see it!"  I loved the magical elements and the dreamy whimsical-ness.  I loved that it was an original script.  I loved the nostalgia.  We also had just wrapped a project about Hemingway at work, and it was great fun watching another actor's take.

And then, about 6 months later, I saw THE ARTIST.  I wasn't sure what to expect - when I first saw the trailer I thought it was a joke.  When everyone started talking about it I thought, "OK, this is one of those films that only film-snobs love, but everyone else will find tedious."  Well, I don't consider myself a film-snob and I found THE ARTIST anything but tedious.  I loved Jean Dujardin (have you seen what he's up to next?), and OF COURSE Uggie the dog.  I loved how wrapped up I got in the story, and how little the lack of dialogue mattered.  The film-snob part of me (I admit there is a little bit in there) also loved the little details - the authentic aspect ratio, the authentic credits which showed Peppy Miller rising in the ranks, the great locations (for example, the scene where they're talking on the steps in the Bradbury building), etc.

I love that both MIDNIGHT IN PARIS and THE ARTIST were made for less than $20 million.

Most of all, I loved that both films surprised me in some way or another.  For someone who works in the business, it is rare for a film to come along that surprises and delights me the way these two did.

As I said, I've watched the Oscars for many years, and there have been quite a few times in which I didn't agree with The Academy's choices.  If either of these films win this year (everyone is predicting THE ARTIST will take it), I'll be happy.

If you haven't had a chance to watch all the contenders, don't you worry.  Here's all you need to know (in two parts):



That's exactly how I felt, kid.

I do have to say that I'm a little disappointed that the final HARRY POTTER installment didn't receive more love.  Wasn't the whole point of opening up the Best Picture category to include films with broader audiences?  Instead, TREE OF LIFE - a film for the snobbiest of film snobs - slips in instead.  Don't get me wrong - I thought TREE OF LIFE was absolutely gorgeous, but purely photographically.  It hands down should win for Best Cinematography, but it doesn't belong in the Best Picture race.  I also think Fassbender should have been recognized - not only was he haunting and mesmerizing in SHAME, he was in everything this year.  I suppose there's always the MTV "Breakout Performance" award.  *sigh*

Who are you rooting for this year?  Which snubs are you most upset about?  What delicious Oscar-themed foods are you making for your Oscar party?  Let me know in the comments!!

*PARADISE LOST 3: PURGATORY was produced for and aired on HBO, my employer.  The opinions expressed in this post (and my entire blog) are mine and mine alone, and do not necessarily represent those of HBO.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Overcoming Red Carpet Fatigue: IMBT

Hollywood's Big Night will soon be upon us (check back tomorrow for an in-depth Oscars post).  FINALLY, right?  I know we're all fighting awards season fatigue, but I promise this red carpet interview is the best red carpet interview you will ever see:


If your taste is more G-rated (as opposed to PG - GET IT?? - "PG" kind of sounds like "piggy" if you say it out loud), Sophia Grace and Rosie have been "working" as correspondents for Ellen on the red carpets at music award shows.  (If you don't know who Sophia Grace and Rosie are or why they would be at these events, watch this first and then watch this.)  My favorite is their trip to the AMAs:

SG:  "WE'RE SO EXCITED, AREN'T WE ROSIE?!?!!??!?!!!!!"
R:  "Um.......  yeah."

This one is a few years old, but it's about as classic as internet videos from late-night talk shows can get (with the possible exception of Triumph's visit with the people waiting in line to see ATTACK OF THE CLONES - but I'll save that for another time):

Only a few more days folks!!

(Wait, did we seriously just get an Emmy screener already?!?!  Oh geez.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sugar: It's [far too often] My Best Thing

I have an ENORMOUS sweet tooth.  And I recently discovered Pinterest.  I now have a baked goods bucket list:

cake batter truffles

lavender shortbread

Nutella Oreo truffles

rice krispy treats

champagne cake pops

speaking of champagne...

champagne Jell-o shots (not really a baked item, but still dessert-y)

chocolate cookie dough brownies

coffee cake in a mug

apple pie.... baked in apples!

sugar cookies

pumpkin muffins - made with only 2 ingredients - my kind of baking!

lemon burst cookies

Who's hungry??

PS.  Speaking of TREATS, did anyone else catch the Vienetta reference on "Glee" a couple nights ago?  Better yet, does anyone else besides me remember it?  It was basically a loaf of ice cream with thin, delicate layers of chocolate laced throughout.  It took me a minute to fully remember what it was, but now that I have, I REALLY want to find some to see if it's as good as I remember...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Roomie Jina knew how much I'd love that and sent it to me a few days ago.  She has a fantastic ability to find the perfect photos.  Check out her awesome Valentine's Day post on her own blog here.

Since I can't (and don't want to) compete with that, I thought I'd share just a few more fun Valentine's day images I found and then sign off:

I like this one just because it has the words "meat pie" in it!

Boyfriend and I often get each other cards with penguins on them - penguins are just so adorable 
(and we're fans).

All together now:  awwwwwwww!

Wishing you a very happy Valentine's Day,
and much love in the year to come!

Monday, February 13, 2012

In Memoriam: Whitney Houston

How Jennifer Hudson was able to keep her composure last night while singing "I Will Always Love You"  on the Grammys, I will never know.  If you missed the moving tribute performance click on this link, which will take you to an LA Times article with the video embedded.

Honestly, I don't have much to add to the conversation, just that Whitney's music was so formative to my childhood/adolescence that I remember exactly where I was when I first heard "I Will Always Love You."  And of course I, like so many girls my age, also spent an embarrassingly significant amount of time dancing around my room to "I Wanna Dance With Somebody", "How Will I Know", and other Whitney hits while holding a hairbrush like a microphone.

We'll miss you Whitney.

Friday, February 10, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVRYONE'S best thing! (2/10 Edition)

I've been having a rough week.  Let's get right to the fun stuff:

Jealous on so many levels.

Mama wolf is so protective!  Speaking of wolves...


One more too-cute animal pair:

That kitten reminds of what my cat looked like when he was a baby!  I wish he had a doggie friend.

And finally:

How brave and awesome!  While I obviously would've wanted to do the same thing, I definitely would've been scared because the animal was clearly distressed.  Glad he was able to help!  Speaking of rescuing whales, guess what this weekend is?...........

If you guessed BIG MIRACLE, congratulations - you guessed correctly!!  John Krasinsky + Whales = <3  Seeing it on Sunday - can't wait!

Happy Friday everybody!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Night Circus: IMBT

Before I left for vacation I asked my friends for book recommendations.  A few mentioned The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.  For some inexplicable reason I was skeptical, but since those who recommended it gave it such high praise I figured I would give it a go.

So SO SO glad I did.

For those who are interested, here is a synopsis from the New York Times review (if you'd rather read the book knowing very few details in advance - as I did - then skip this paragraph):  "The setting is the late 19th and early 20th centuries in and around major world cities — New York, London, Paris, Boston and so on. The Cirque des Rêves is an entertainment that whirls through these cities, appearing suddenly, disappearing suddenly, filled with psychics and contortionists and elaborate rooms and labyrinths of great holographic intensity. People are overwhelmingly drawn to the circus. Some, known as “rêveurs,” even go so far as to follow it from town to town dressed uniformly in black, white and red à la Diana Vreeland, maybe. Caught in the power vectors of the Cirque des Rêves are two special children, Marco and Celia, who grow to adulthood over the course of the novel. Both are orphans; both have been hypertrained by stern guardians in telekinetic and psychic powers; eventually, it is revealed that the two have been groomed since an early age to be each other’s “opponents” in a contest of magical creation, of which the circus is the arena. The guardians have created this contest for what seems to be nothing but their own sense of power, and they are ruthless in seeing it through to the end: death for the loser. Celia grows to be an illusionist whose illusions aren’t really illusions (she turns clothing into birds and can change the color of a fabric with her mind, among other powers); Marco can create entire worlds at will, invented environments of great beauty, simply by passing his hands over one’s eyes. Eventually, of course, they meet, fall in love, defy their fate."

The Night Circus is magical and emotional and whimsical and delightful and immersive, but it was the love story thread that really kept me from being able to put it down.  How would they meet?  What would happen when they kissed?  Would they find a way to be together?  I skipped a handful of activities on our cruise that I might otherwise have been interested in because all I wanted to do was find out what would happen next.  I even cried after one particularly heart-breaking section.  After I finished the book I actually went back and re-read a couple chapters that were exceptionally wonderful so I could experience the beautiful writing and emotional punch for a second time.  The copy I read was borrowed from the library, but I plan on purchasing one so that a) I can read it again in its entirety and b) I can share it with any of my friends who would like to read it.

My only criticism (and it is a very small one) (also, this is slightly spoiler-y if you didn't read the synopsis - just in that I'm mentioning names) is that I wanted to go even deeper into Marco & Celia's thoughts.  I wanted to know more about what they were feeling and experiencing.  The Night Circus has so many wonderful characters, and I was glad to meet them all, but its heart and soul is Marco & Celia and I would've loved to delve even further with them.

Regardless, The Night Circus is being added to my list of All-Time Favorite Books.  I can't wait to read it again!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Technology: Currently Not My Best Thing

Yes, I am back from my cruise.  No, I have not been able to post about it yet.  Why?  Because this has been me the last two days:

image source:

(I intended to use an image depicting general computer frustration, but I'm realizing that perhaps this fellow is actually frustrated over World of Warcraft.)

While I was out on vacay "the network" detected a virus on my computer.  So as to prevent an outbreak - CONTAGION-style but electronic - from taking down all of HBO, IT swooped in and swiped out my computer for a temporary replacement.  All my settings, bookmarks, shortcuts, etc. went with the old, infected, machine and weren't transferred over.  The temp sitting at my desk did a fantastic job holding down the fort, especially considering this hiccup, but neglected to warn me that I would be coming in to a completely unfamiliar machine on Monday morning.  SO, in addition to trying to catch up with my hundreds of emails and massive to-do list, I spent a great deal of time yesterday trying to figure out what the hell was going on.  By the end of the day I had gotten most of my usual settings, configurations, etc. back in order, even though there was a lot of program-installing left to do.

Then today, what started as a routine OS update & app installation for my boss' iPad turned into entire system replacements for both her and myself (they'd been telling us we were "due for upgrades" for months so I guess they decided just to do it then and there)!  Thankfully IT brought all the information from my old OLD system with them and were able to automatically configure most things for me.  However, between the two desktops and the iPad this process took about 3 1/2 hours.  So, no down time for drafting blog posts.

But I am back and I can't wait to share photos and tales from my Caribbean adventure - stay tuned!