Friday, March 2, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing (3/2 Edition)

First and foremost, tomorrow is my brother's TWENTY-FIFTH (holy crap) birthday.  I don't usually post on the weekends so I want to take this opportunity to give him a shout-out AND give you guys a sneak peak at some photos from our recent family vacay (these were all taken on Josh's new camera).


1st stop: Nassau, Bahamas (our ship is in the background)

this photo is my current desktop background

hope you're celebrating with some Captain Morgan (or whatever your drink of choice is) tomorrow night Josh!

Second, I've recently discovered some fantastic Tumblrs that I'd like to share with you:

The Fluffington Post:  "News" articles...  about fluffy things.

Kitten Shocked by How Much Time She Spends on Facebook

The World We Live In:  Beautiful travel photography.

The Queenstown Lookout, Otago, New Zealand© blame_the_monkey

Animals With Stuffed Animals:  Pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

City of Love:  More travel photos, a travel bucket list if you will.

Porto, Portugal via mandalaybus

All Creatures [Great and Small]:  More animals - some adorable, some not as much, but all interesting and beautiful in their own way.


Picture: Jenfu Cheng/Solent News & Photo Agency

Can you tell what my major interests are?

Cats That Look Like Ron Swanson:  For all my fellow Parks & Rec fans.

Fish - for sport only, not for meat. Fish meat is practically a vegetable.

Michael Buble Being Stalked By a Velociraptor:  No explanation required.

submitted by AbbyLuna
submit your own

And finally, to send you off in good spirits for the weekend, I give you the best basketball-related video I've seen in a long time:


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