Friday, March 30, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing (3/30 Edition)

So I'm about to go buy my lottery ticket.  Someecards sums up pretty much all my feelings on the matter:

Funny Confession Ecard: I'd pay $500 million dollars to not hear what you'd do if you won $500 million dollars.

Funny Confession Ecard: The first thing I'd do with $500 million is not give any to the people who won't shut up about how much it gets taxed.

Funny Weekend Ecard: Let's drink tonight like we won the Mega Millions and then drink even more when we don't.

except that...

Funny Confession Ecard: I have a better chance of winning the Mega Millions than I do of staying up late enough to see if I won the Mega Millions.

Funny Workplace Ecard: Here's hoping me and my coworkers win the Mega Millions so we never have to speak to each other again.
(JUST KIDDING.  mostly.)

The only one missing is "I'd pay 500 million dollars not to hear one more time what my odds are of winning 500 million dollars".

An on a COMPLETELY unrelated note...

So here's something crazy - I'm a little embarrassed to even admit this but here I go - tomorrow, March 31st, is the anniversary of my joining Facebook...  EIGHT YEARS AGO.  I was still at BU finishing up my junior year, it was called "The Facebook", there was no "wall", "newsfeed" or "timeline", and the population consisted of students at approximately 15 universities: Harvard (obviously), the rest of the Ivy's, Stanford, MIT, Tufts, BU, and a few other Boston-area schools.  If you've seen THE SOCIAL NETWORK you know the rest of the story.  It kind of boggles my mind how much our world has changed since then.

Just a random thought for a Friday afternoon.

And finally, and not related to any of the above, I give you 75 Hoodie-Wearers Who Are Up To No Good.  SO so hard to pick a fave - I had to go with the fantastic early-90s reference:


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