Friday, March 16, 2012


I am absolutely not a fan of cold, wet weather.  Lucky for me, I live in a place that rarely has it.  Most of my weekends here in LA are spent - at least in some part - doing something outside.  BUT if not, I usually feel a little bit guilty for not taking "enough" advantage of the weather.  So when the rare rainy weekend arrives a little part of me is excited to put my lazy pants on, stay in, bury myself in blankets, and watch a marathon of either really bad-for-you/mindless (think "My Strange Addiction" or basically anything on TLC) or really excellent (think BAND OF BROTHERS or "Mad Men") television.

It's supposed to be rainy, windy, and in the 50's all weekend.  Brrrr!

On Sunday boyfriend and I might go ice-skating at the indoor rink near where he lives, but tomorrow will be spent entirely like this:

image source:
Missing from this picture: my big fat orange tabby curled up next to me and mug of hot chocolate nearby.  Bliss.

What are your plans for the weekend?

(PS.  While we're on the topic of weather check out this crazy video of an iceberg breaking on Antarctica:

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