Thursday, March 8, 2012


I had full intentions of writing all about the Jewish holiday called Purim today, but I can't focus because ALL I WANT IS A FRIGGIN HAMENTASHEN.

image source:
I'm thinking of trekking to the nearest Jewish deli during lunch to see if they have any.  Or buying supplies and just baking them myself tonight.

In case you're really curious, here's a brief summary of the story of Purim.  Tradition says that you are supposed to drink so much at the Purim celebrations (which took place last night) that you can't tell the difference between the name of the villain and the name of the hero of the story.  It's also traditional to dress up in costume for these celebrations - kind of like a Jewish Halloween but without the running around in the dark asking strangers for candy.

Sounds fun right?  But lesbihonest, the best part is the hamentashen.

Seriously, if you have any, please bring me some RIGHT NOW.  kthxbai.

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