Thursday, March 22, 2012

THE HUNGER GAMES: Seemingly Everyone On The Internet's Best Thing [Right Now]

Remember back in September 2011 when I wrote about The Hunger Games books and couldn't believe how far off "March 2012" sounded?

Well guess what kids - THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.

Starting tonight at midnight the teens, tweens, and "young" adults (I'm in the latter grouping, no judgement please) will be flooding the local theaters to catch their favorite dystopian heroes fight to the death.  I will not be  attending a midnight screening - some of us have to work tomorrow - but I HAVE had my tickets for weeks to a showing tomorrow evening.

I'm obviously not the only one who's excited.  The internet has EXPLODED in recent weeks with HUNGER GAMES related consumables, sketches/spoofs, memes, etc.  In anticipation of the big event I've collected all the best for your enjoyment (be sure to click the links for videos where indicated) (also big thanks to roomie Jina who sent me a bunch of these - we may or may not be dressing up tomorrow night):

  • For your pre-movie party:


  • Games inspired by HUNGER GAMES:


  • Tired of your regular workout routine?  Want to be prepared in case our society implodes and you find yourself at a reaping?


  • For all your HUNGER GAMES bedding and cuff-link needs:


  • The magic of editing:


  • For the HUNGER GAMES fashionista:


  • Because there simply can never be enough Ryan Gosling in our lives:

  • And finally, my absolute Very Best Thing found on the internet having to with THE HUNGER GAMES (from my new favorite Tumblr, whatshouldwecallme):


To those who already have your tickets: enjoy, and to those who are planning on just showing up:

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