Monday, March 12, 2012

The Times They Are a-Changin'

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I mean literally, the time changed this weekend - did you remember to change your clocks?

On the one hand, I'm very glad for the change as it means it will be darker later, and therefore I will soon be able to feel comfortable walking home again, and therefore I will no longer need to bum rides.  Woohoo!  But on the other hand I am SUPER ridiculously tired today.  Let's hope that doesn't last.

Speaking of change, I first started this blog when our tanorexic friends from "Jersey Shore" were traipsing around Italy talking about how Florence was their best thing.  Since then they've returned to the states, filmed another season of the show at the Shore house, and dealt with many changes of their own, including a just-confirmed pregnancy.  Wowza.

So I thought it was time to ditch the Florence cityscape background and put up a new one.  What do you think?

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