Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Paley Fest: IMBT

I realize this is brand new *shocking* information to you, but I enjoy television and watch a lot of it.

(I know none of you are the judge-y type, but just in case, this is all I have to say.)

One of the best things about living in Los Angeles (if you love film & television) is the near constant access to panels, screenings, events, etc. having to do with entertainment.  The WGA (Writers Guild of America) hosts panels about, quite indubitably, writing - I went to one back in 2009 with the writers of one of my all-time favorite shows, "LOST", which was fascinating.  The TV Academy hosts panels - often leading up to Emmy season - about current television programming.  I've been to panels featuring the executive producers and casts of "Mad Men", "The Office", "Glee", and many others over the years.  Similarly, the AMPAS (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences - the same group that gives out the Oscars) hosts panels about all facets of filmmaking, particularly around Oscar time.  The individual guilds hosts panels as well - also back in 2009 I went to one hosted by MPSE (Motion Picture Sound Editors) about the Sound of STAR TREK.  To be honest, most of what was discussed went over my head, but J.J. Abrams was there which was pretty cool.

Mark P. Stoeckinger, left, J.J. Abrams and Maryann Brandon.
Photo by Mel Lambert|
If you just totally geeked out and want to read the some excerpts from the panel, you can actually do just that here.

ANYWAY, The Paley Center for Media (p.k.a. The Museum of Television and Radio) also hosts a series of panels over two weeks every spring - known as the Paley Fest - featuring mostly current hot shows and usually at least one "throwback" night (e.g. last year's "Undeclared"/"Freaks & Geeks" Reunion night).  As an attendee "you get to meet the casts and creators of your favorite shows, hear all the inside stories, and even participate in an itimate Q & A.  If you're a fan of these shows, or just are interested in how TV shows get from a writer's brain to your flat screen, you will enjoy these special evenings."  (Thanks KROQ)  I believe my first Paley Fest panel was the "Brothers and Sisters" one back in 2007 when it was still held at the DGA building.  Then "Gossip Girl" in 2008 at the Arclight, "True Blood" in 2009 at the Arclight, and "LOST" in 2010 (I was obsessed) at which point it had moved to the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills.

image source:
As ticket prices have gone up (almost all panel events in LA are free, with this noted exception), and I've moved further west (both home and office), it's been increasingly challenging to make it to the panels, especially on weeknights.  Fortunately for me (and YOU), the Paley Fest is streaming their panels live this year!!!  Not only can you watch all panels live for free, you can watch them in your pajamas while eating a bowl of mac and cheese!  (I am neither confirming nor denying that I've done such a thing.)  Additionally, if you really must insist on hitting the gym, a few of the panels will be posted on Hulu as well after 3/15.  Hooray!

image source:
On Monday night I Livestreamed the "New Girl" panel.  As you may remember, I'm a big fan of the show and it was definitely interesting to hear them talk a little bit about the creative process.  They seem like they're all having a lot of fun working on the show, which in turn always makes the panels fun as well.  I had an event last night and wasn't able to catch the "Parks & Rec" panel, so I'm glad it's going up on Hulu (along with  Saturday's "Community" panel).  I've also set reminders in my calendar for next week's "Mad Men" and "Modern Family" panels.

Big props to the Paley Fest folks who made the decision to Livestream the panels.

Which ones will you be tuning in for?

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