Friday, September 23, 2011

Cheesy/"Inspiring" Kids Movies About Ocean Creatures are My Best Thing

I am going to see A DOLPHIN TALE this weekend and I am so excited about it.  Click here for the the story behind the movie in case you couldn't figure it out from the trailer:

Yes, the cheese factor is high, but it's about A DOLPHIN.  What else matters?

My boyfriend isn't too thrilled.  He's taking me to Pismo Beach for my birthday getaway and I'm insisting we make this a part of the trip.  He and the roomies argued that "a surprisingly solid, earnest family pic... parents will surely applaud its underlying message of adolescent empowerment, and the far better than average cast gives this one a strong emotional undercurrent" (taken from Variety, which I presented to them as a "HA!  So there!" rebuttal to their laughing at me for wanting to see it) isn't exactly a glowing review.

Whatever.  It's about A DOLPHIN.  We're seeing it.

And for the record I still own FREE WILLY on VHS.

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