Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pismo Beach / SeaVenture Resort: IMBT

Over the years we've been together my boyfriend (hereafter referred to simply as "Boyfriend") has learned that I prefer experiences and trips over material items for gifts.  I might be the instigator for most of our vacations (as you know I like to plan), but he definitely enjoys them.  So for my birthday this year Boyfriend planned a trip to Pismo Beach - about a 3 hour drive (North) from LA - to stay in one of our favorite places, the SeaVenture Resort:

image credit: Destination360

We first discovered it on a road trip we took over Memorial Day weekend 2009.  We were driving up the coast and back and stayed there on our last night.  I'm a little reluctant to even talk about it because it's one of those hidden gems, but oh well!  The biggest draw SeaVenture offers are the private hot tubs on the balconies of each room.  If you're like me and you're kinda grossed out by sitting in a stew with a bunch of strangers, this is a super special feature.  Then there are the in-room fireplaces.  So romantic.  And the amazingly soft beds with tons of pillows and down comforters.  Actually, as I'm describing it, it almost sounds like it belongs in a cold climate (I guess it does get chilly on the ocean at night - but not THAT chilly)!  Finally, not only does the price of your room include breakfast, it's delivered to your door in a picnic basket!  You fill out a card the night before and they bring it to you at your desired time.  How awesome is that?

To be fair, the decor could use a little updating (it feels a bit early-90's), but who really cares about that when everything else is so lovely?  The resort also provides beach chairs, towels, bikes, and other kids toys for guests to use.  There is also a massage center and a restaurant on site.

Boyfriend and I left early Saturday morning and stopped in Santa Barbara for breakfast and to pick up a bottle of our favorite wine, Giessinger Forgiveness (perhaps a separate post on that another time).  We made it to the SeaVenture by about 1:30 pm and decided to go hang out on the beach until our room was ready.  There was a wedding going on at the hotel that afternoon which we considered crashing (since it was SO LOUD IT FELT LIKE IT WAS IN OUR ROOM) but opted to go for a walk instead.  By the time we got back we had just enough time to relax for a little bit and then get ready for dinner.

We were surprised by the hotel with a complimentary bottle of wine for being return guests (so amazing!).  We asked if we could have it with our dinner, to which they obliged.  Boyfriend had done his homework and requested a table overlooking the ocean just before sunset.  It was the most perfect scene.  No, seriously - check out the pictures below.  I'll spare you the details of all the food (which I could go on and on about, and have pictures of as well), but the highlight BY FAR was watching a pod of dolphins swim by as we sipped our wine.  It was as if the universe knew it was a special evening and sent them just for me.

The rest of the evening was spent enjoying our Giessinger wine and waiting for the hot tub to cool down (Those things get SO hot!  And I'm a total wimp!).  Breakfast the next morning was delicious and when we finally checked out the weather was PERFECT for sitting on the beach.  After about an hour or so the wind started picking up so we decided to go to Splash Cafe for lunch.  The line was around the block, but well worth the wait, as a) the food was delicious b) we got to watch someone (who was driving at least 5 people in a tiny red sports car) get pulled over and arrested for [we think] a DUI and c) there were lots of puppies walking by to pet.

After lunch Boyfriend reinforced his wonderfulness by going with me, as promised, to see A DOLPHIN TALE, which was adorable and made me seriously regret not following my dream of becoming a marine biologist.  *Sigh*.  And then, alas, it was time to head back to LA.

It was a quick, but really fantastic trip.  Good job Boyfriend!  Here are a few select photos:

Breakfast at Beachbreak Cafe in Santa Barbara

Loved the name, kinda glad we weren't staying there though

Before starting our AMAZING meal

View during dinner

Playing with night timed exposure from the pier

Perfect beach weather on Sunday morning

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