Friday, September 16, 2011

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing! (9/16 edition)

The whole point of the internet is cat videos, right?  Here are a few winners from this past week (and for those of you not of the feline persuasion, scroll down for a non-kitty vid):

STAR WARS + Kittens = awesometown.

Maybe this is better if you actually speak French, but I don't think that's necessary:

I love all the different voices and the teeny tiny sets and especially the part where they crash the kittycab.

This one, which I recently shared on Facebook, is just silly/hilarious:

The cat at 1:27 is totally my cat's more aggressive cousin.  I have to warn anyone who comes to my house that if they don't protect their water glasses Aslan will make them his.

And as promised, here is just a really cool video (and, if you're a nerdy lover of how-did-they-do-that film making like me, two even cooler behind-the-scenes vids to go along with it) by FreddieW:

ZING!  Yep, I still managed to get a cat in there.


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