Friday, September 30, 2011

Counting down to BFAS & NYC: IMBT!

It's official!  My trips to Best Friends and NYC are now 100% happening (the rest are still up in the air).  Just working on the details...

Kanab, Utah / Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Checklist
Flight - check.  (Flying in a prop plane - they're safe, right?...)
Car Rental - reserved.
Lodging - check.
Volunteer Schedule/Arrangements - check.
Side trip to Bryce Canyon - TBD.
Figuring out how to pack everything (including wellies, camelback pack, kitchen items (because the studio I'm staying in doesn't really have everything and I can't afford to buy it all), camera & lenses, laptop, etc.) into the luggage allowed for the prop plane - TBD.

Some photos from last year to hold me over until it's time to go:

T-16 days!

New York City Checklist 

Flight - check.
Lodging - TBD; need to figure out which friend's place it makes more sense to crash at and whether I should split my time.
Plans with friends - TBD; I've of course already over-committed myself which I always do when I visit, but I'll get it figured out.
Tickets to shows - TBD; good news is Boyfriend's BFF who works on Broadway says he can help me.

Hoping to see:

Aforementioned Boyfriend's BFF is playing Monsieur André in 'Phantom'!


I'm such a dork.  I only want to see 'How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying' because of Daniel Radcliffe.  Since his run ends in January this is basically my only chance!

 T-42 days!

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