Monday, September 12, 2011

My Best Song: Adele's "Someone Like You"

I realize this song has been out for, like, 9 months already so I'm not providing any new fodder.  But isn't it the case with most songs that they end up getting completely overplayed and then lose their luster?  Maybe it's because I no longer commute via car and therefore haven't been listening to the radio very much, but, for me at least, that has not been the case at all with "Someone Like You".  I just can't get enough.  The combination of Adele's amazing voice with those lyrics - OMG THOSE LYRICS - gets me Every Single Time.  I mean how often does a pop ballad come along that actually makes you feel like your heart-breaking, soul-crushing breakup from 6 years ago is happening all over again?  Her performance at the VMAs nearly brought me to tears.  OK, I *might* have been about to get my period, but I digress.  Check it out for yourself:

As Bill Lamb wrote, "Romantic pain has rarely been so utterly beautiful."

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