Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Planning Trips That May or May Not Ever Happen: IMBT

Some people catch up on the news, others read blogs (like YOU and I love you for it!).  I spend any spare downtime I have at work planning trips/adventures/vacations that may or may not ever happen.  Currently swirling around in my brain:

Kanab, Utah / Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
- Mid-October
- By myself (unless anyone out there wants to join me!)
As promised, I am legitimately working on this one.  I'm currently trying to determine whether I want to fly from LA to St. George and rent a car (still about 1.5 hours from Kanab) or drive the whole way.  Last year I drove.  It wasn't exactly fun, but it is something I could do again.  The monetary difference is about $250.  Thoughts?
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 92%

New York City
- Early/mid November
- By myself
A handful of my best (human) friends ever in life for all time infinity times infinity live in NYC.  I've visited (either just to visit or to also attend a wedding) every summer since 2007, but didn't make it this year.  Added motivation is that another bestie, who lives in the UK, will be in town visiting her family then.  Added added motivation is that I really want to see Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway before the end of his run in January.  There is currently a Virgin America sale putting flights at $320.  Not bad.  Why can't I commit?
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 64%

South America
- December
- By myself
I think I will probably write a whole separate post about my dream trip through South America.  It's something I would love to do not-by-myself, but it would probably take about 2 months and $10K so finding someone who has both the time and money has been difficult.
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 17%

- December
- With Family
My mom, brother and I are always up for a family trip to somewhere exciting - it's my dad who's the stick in the mud.  He would truly prefer sitting at home for two weeks channel surfing, playing poker online and eating leftovers.  I wanted to sit down with the fam when I was home a couple weeks ago to plan a trip, but with so much going on it just didn't happen.  It's not looking promising without me being there to push things along.
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 23%

- December
- With Boyfriend
Lesbihonest, I don't really care where we go as long as it's warm/hot and somewhere I haven't been before.  Potential destinations to discuss w/Boyfriend: Belize, Costa Rica, Argentina, Brazil, Thailand, Cabo, S. Florida, etc.  The emails I get EVERY DAY from Travelzoo, Jetsetter, Kayak, Orbitz, Groupon Getaways, LivingSocial Escapes, etc. really fuel this one.  We're going to discuss this weekend.
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 41%

- 2014
- With BFF from high school
OK, this one is a far way off (it's for our 30th birthdays), and my friend is concerned she won't have the money to pay for it, but we've been talking about it for, like, 6 years already so IT WILL happen.
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 100%

- Whenever
- With my friends from the BU Sydney Fall '04 Abroad Program
We all talk about wanting to do a reunion trip, but seeing as half of the group is getting married and some are even having kids already, I'm thinking this one is just a dream.
- Possibility of coming to fruition: 2%

I'll keep you posted!  And if you have any suggestions on fabulous destinations, leave 'em in the comments!


  1. i'm totally with you on this, i'm always in the midst of planning my next greatest trip, so if you ever want company let me know! too bad my boyfriend isn't as much of a traveler (i'm popping his europe cherry next week). <- one of my dreams. that, &tokyo&peru&hawaii&neworleans&iceland&croatia&everywhereintheworld... i'd just like to be rich with flexible work commitments so i could just travel my entire life kgreatthx.

  2. That HS bff sounds like a NUT ;)

    Yes, we WILL be going, hopefully sans poops mcgee and after 600 shots!
