Friday, March 30, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing (3/30 Edition)

So I'm about to go buy my lottery ticket.  Someecards sums up pretty much all my feelings on the matter:

Funny Confession Ecard: I'd pay $500 million dollars to not hear what you'd do if you won $500 million dollars.

Funny Confession Ecard: The first thing I'd do with $500 million is not give any to the people who won't shut up about how much it gets taxed.

Funny Weekend Ecard: Let's drink tonight like we won the Mega Millions and then drink even more when we don't.

except that...

Funny Confession Ecard: I have a better chance of winning the Mega Millions than I do of staying up late enough to see if I won the Mega Millions.

Funny Workplace Ecard: Here's hoping me and my coworkers win the Mega Millions so we never have to speak to each other again.
(JUST KIDDING.  mostly.)

The only one missing is "I'd pay 500 million dollars not to hear one more time what my odds are of winning 500 million dollars".

An on a COMPLETELY unrelated note...

So here's something crazy - I'm a little embarrassed to even admit this but here I go - tomorrow, March 31st, is the anniversary of my joining Facebook...  EIGHT YEARS AGO.  I was still at BU finishing up my junior year, it was called "The Facebook", there was no "wall", "newsfeed" or "timeline", and the population consisted of students at approximately 15 universities: Harvard (obviously), the rest of the Ivy's, Stanford, MIT, Tufts, BU, and a few other Boston-area schools.  If you've seen THE SOCIAL NETWORK you know the rest of the story.  It kind of boggles my mind how much our world has changed since then.

Just a random thought for a Friday afternoon.

And finally, and not related to any of the above, I give you 75 Hoodie-Wearers Who Are Up To No Good.  SO so hard to pick a fave - I had to go with the fantastic early-90s reference:


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Serious-Time Thursday

Lesbihonest, this blog is mainly fluff - mentions of movies & television programs I find enjoyable, adorable animal photos, travel day-dreaming, funny viral videos, etc.  I try really hard not to let it become a venue for too much ranting or complaining (believe me, it could) and to keep things light and positive.  But I feel compelled to share some fairly serious items today, simply because I feel that the more people exposed, the better.

Let me begin with this article from Esquire.  There are a lot of facts here that I was unaware of prior to reading.  For example, the first paragraph under the heading "How to Disenfranchise a Generation" explains how "voting reform" is making it increasingly difficult for young people to vote, which I didn't realize was an issue at all.  

Here's the thing:  I don't live at home.  My life is not entirely consumed by debt.  I've been completely self-sufficient since graduation.  So I suppose I'm not the exact "younger American" referred to throughout the article.  However, it is still definitely hard for me to feel optimistic about the future when I consider the statistics presented:

- The federal gov't spends $480 billion on Medicare and $68 billion on education; $62 billion on prescription drugs, $8 billion on Heat Start.
- An estimated 85% of college graduates moved back home in 2010 with $25,250 in debt.
- Social Security will dry up by 2036.
- Only 58% of Boomers have more than $25K put aside for retirement.  The rest will need to be provided for by the government or their families.

One particularly poignant quote:

Nobody wants this. The Boomers did not set out to screw over their kids. The wind just seemed to blow them that way. But no matter what their motivations, a painful truth grows truer with every passing year: Through its refusal to act, the generation in power is willing to do what other generations before them would not — sell their children's birthright for a mess of their own pottage.

I feel like this applies to all aspects of life, not just financial status.  Look at the state of our environment, look at our dependency on oil.  *SIGH*  I don't mean to be a total Debbie Downer, I just think it's important that we know where we stand.


On a totally unrelated note, I think everyone should watch this video from The Black Fish:

If you, like me, enjoy a good sushi dinner every now and again, click here for a pocket guide detailing which items are best and worst choices when selecting from the menu.

Also, this one from Sea Shepherd (warning: graphic images):

Per Sea Shepherd, shark populations are facing extinction in every part of the world; an appetite for shark fin soup being the #1 demand causing the the over-fishing of this apex predator.  Here is one of many petitions related to this issue that Sea Shepherd is asking people to take action on - please sign.


Thanks for indulging me.  I promise I'll be back tomorrow with a more fun and lighthearted post.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Return of "Mad Men": Tonight's BT


The draught is over folks.  (Metaphorically and literally - it's raining like crazy, again, and this time I'm so over it.)  "Mad Men" returns tonight with its first new episode in 17 months.  This has been a weekend of absolutely excellent entertainment (more on that tomorrow) and I am fully expecting tonight's two-hour premiere to cap it all of nicely.

Need a little refresher course before the big event?  Click here for a character-by-character rundown of where we left off from The Daily Beast.

Tonight, 9 pm, AMC.  Will you be tuning in?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

THE HUNGER GAMES: Seemingly Everyone On The Internet's Best Thing [Right Now]

Remember back in September 2011 when I wrote about The Hunger Games books and couldn't believe how far off "March 2012" sounded?

Well guess what kids - THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED.

Starting tonight at midnight the teens, tweens, and "young" adults (I'm in the latter grouping, no judgement please) will be flooding the local theaters to catch their favorite dystopian heroes fight to the death.  I will not be  attending a midnight screening - some of us have to work tomorrow - but I HAVE had my tickets for weeks to a showing tomorrow evening.

I'm obviously not the only one who's excited.  The internet has EXPLODED in recent weeks with HUNGER GAMES related consumables, sketches/spoofs, memes, etc.  In anticipation of the big event I've collected all the best for your enjoyment (be sure to click the links for videos where indicated) (also big thanks to roomie Jina who sent me a bunch of these - we may or may not be dressing up tomorrow night):

  • For your pre-movie party:


  • Games inspired by HUNGER GAMES:


  • Tired of your regular workout routine?  Want to be prepared in case our society implodes and you find yourself at a reaping?


  • For all your HUNGER GAMES bedding and cuff-link needs:


  • The magic of editing:


  • For the HUNGER GAMES fashionista:


  • Because there simply can never be enough Ryan Gosling in our lives:

  • And finally, my absolute Very Best Thing found on the internet having to with THE HUNGER GAMES (from my new favorite Tumblr, whatshouldwecallme):


To those who already have your tickets: enjoy, and to those who are planning on just showing up:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Penguin Cam / "Frozen Planet": Two New Best Things

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A couple weeks ago a coworker of mine - who is super awesome and knows me (and my love of animals) quite well - sent me a link to a Penguin Cam:  a live feed of the "Penguin Encounter" at Sea World San Diego.  I love it, and click over to it any time I need a momentary breather from whatever I'm working on.  There are two views to choose from:  Topside Penguin Cam and Underwater Penguin Cam.  I prefer Topside because of the sound feed - squeak!squak!socute! - and they are just so adorable waddling around!!...  But on the other hand, Underwater definitely has that calming/soothing aquarium effect.

To check it out for yourself click here:  If you watch closely you might catch all five Antarctic species:  emporers, kings, Adelies, gentoos, and macaronis.

The Penguin Cam was set up to celebrate Discovery Channel's new series: "Frozen Planet" which began airing on Sunday evening with a 2-hour premiere.  I set the DVR but ended up watching it live and was enthralled (obviously).

The show takes place in the harshest climates on Earth, and the filmmakers do an excellent job of depicting what life is like for the species that live there.  Understandably, there are "predation" sequences - sometimes resulting in a kill, and sometimes not - which are difficult for me to watch no matter who is doing the hunting (I had a hard time watching the seal go after the penguin, but I had an even harder time watching the Orcas go after the seal).

Similar to "Planet Earth" (and from the same creators), "Frozen Planet" takes the viewer to places and scenes they would almost certainly never experience on their own.  The sheer logistics of "how did they get that shot" are astounding to me and I can't wait for "The Making of Frozen Planet" on April 8th.  And if you, like me, are really into behind-the-scenes stuff, check out this awesome Q&A from Entertainment Weekly with series producer Vanessa Berlowitz and director Chadden Hunter:  An impressive statistic from the article:  During four years of production, the temperatures went as low as -58°F and the winds as high as 148 miles per hour. In total, the crew spent 2,356 days in the field, 840 hours trapped in blizzards, and 134 hours filming under the ice.

Holy wow.  I'm currently re-evaluating my "I need to go work on one of these series" mantra.  (Though if offered the chance I'd still jump on it in a heartbeat).

Take a look at these breathtaking stills from the show:

New episodes air Sundays at 8 pm on Discovery Channel.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I am absolutely not a fan of cold, wet weather.  Lucky for me, I live in a place that rarely has it.  Most of my weekends here in LA are spent - at least in some part - doing something outside.  BUT if not, I usually feel a little bit guilty for not taking "enough" advantage of the weather.  So when the rare rainy weekend arrives a little part of me is excited to put my lazy pants on, stay in, bury myself in blankets, and watch a marathon of either really bad-for-you/mindless (think "My Strange Addiction" or basically anything on TLC) or really excellent (think BAND OF BROTHERS or "Mad Men") television.

It's supposed to be rainy, windy, and in the 50's all weekend.  Brrrr!

On Sunday boyfriend and I might go ice-skating at the indoor rink near where he lives, but tomorrow will be spent entirely like this:

image source:
Missing from this picture: my big fat orange tabby curled up next to me and mug of hot chocolate nearby.  Bliss.

What are your plans for the weekend?

(PS.  While we're on the topic of weather check out this crazy video of an iceberg breaking on Antarctica:

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Times They Are a-Changin'

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I mean literally, the time changed this weekend - did you remember to change your clocks?

On the one hand, I'm very glad for the change as it means it will be darker later, and therefore I will soon be able to feel comfortable walking home again, and therefore I will no longer need to bum rides.  Woohoo!  But on the other hand I am SUPER ridiculously tired today.  Let's hope that doesn't last.

Speaking of change, I first started this blog when our tanorexic friends from "Jersey Shore" were traipsing around Italy talking about how Florence was their best thing.  Since then they've returned to the states, filmed another season of the show at the Shore house, and dealt with many changes of their own, including a just-confirmed pregnancy.  Wowza.

So I thought it was time to ditch the Florence cityscape background and put up a new one.  What do you think?

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I had full intentions of writing all about the Jewish holiday called Purim today, but I can't focus because ALL I WANT IS A FRIGGIN HAMENTASHEN.

image source:
I'm thinking of trekking to the nearest Jewish deli during lunch to see if they have any.  Or buying supplies and just baking them myself tonight.

In case you're really curious, here's a brief summary of the story of Purim.  Tradition says that you are supposed to drink so much at the Purim celebrations (which took place last night) that you can't tell the difference between the name of the villain and the name of the hero of the story.  It's also traditional to dress up in costume for these celebrations - kind of like a Jewish Halloween but without the running around in the dark asking strangers for candy.

Sounds fun right?  But lesbihonest, the best part is the hamentashen.

Seriously, if you have any, please bring me some RIGHT NOW.  kthxbai.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Paley Fest: IMBT

I realize this is brand new *shocking* information to you, but I enjoy television and watch a lot of it.

(I know none of you are the judge-y type, but just in case, this is all I have to say.)

One of the best things about living in Los Angeles (if you love film & television) is the near constant access to panels, screenings, events, etc. having to do with entertainment.  The WGA (Writers Guild of America) hosts panels about, quite indubitably, writing - I went to one back in 2009 with the writers of one of my all-time favorite shows, "LOST", which was fascinating.  The TV Academy hosts panels - often leading up to Emmy season - about current television programming.  I've been to panels featuring the executive producers and casts of "Mad Men", "The Office", "Glee", and many others over the years.  Similarly, the AMPAS (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences - the same group that gives out the Oscars) hosts panels about all facets of filmmaking, particularly around Oscar time.  The individual guilds hosts panels as well - also back in 2009 I went to one hosted by MPSE (Motion Picture Sound Editors) about the Sound of STAR TREK.  To be honest, most of what was discussed went over my head, but J.J. Abrams was there which was pretty cool.

Mark P. Stoeckinger, left, J.J. Abrams and Maryann Brandon.
Photo by Mel Lambert|
If you just totally geeked out and want to read the some excerpts from the panel, you can actually do just that here.

ANYWAY, The Paley Center for Media (p.k.a. The Museum of Television and Radio) also hosts a series of panels over two weeks every spring - known as the Paley Fest - featuring mostly current hot shows and usually at least one "throwback" night (e.g. last year's "Undeclared"/"Freaks & Geeks" Reunion night).  As an attendee "you get to meet the casts and creators of your favorite shows, hear all the inside stories, and even participate in an itimate Q & A.  If you're a fan of these shows, or just are interested in how TV shows get from a writer's brain to your flat screen, you will enjoy these special evenings."  (Thanks KROQ)  I believe my first Paley Fest panel was the "Brothers and Sisters" one back in 2007 when it was still held at the DGA building.  Then "Gossip Girl" in 2008 at the Arclight, "True Blood" in 2009 at the Arclight, and "LOST" in 2010 (I was obsessed) at which point it had moved to the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills.

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As ticket prices have gone up (almost all panel events in LA are free, with this noted exception), and I've moved further west (both home and office), it's been increasingly challenging to make it to the panels, especially on weeknights.  Fortunately for me (and YOU), the Paley Fest is streaming their panels live this year!!!  Not only can you watch all panels live for free, you can watch them in your pajamas while eating a bowl of mac and cheese!  (I am neither confirming nor denying that I've done such a thing.)  Additionally, if you really must insist on hitting the gym, a few of the panels will be posted on Hulu as well after 3/15.  Hooray!

image source:
On Monday night I Livestreamed the "New Girl" panel.  As you may remember, I'm a big fan of the show and it was definitely interesting to hear them talk a little bit about the creative process.  They seem like they're all having a lot of fun working on the show, which in turn always makes the panels fun as well.  I had an event last night and wasn't able to catch the "Parks & Rec" panel, so I'm glad it's going up on Hulu (along with  Saturday's "Community" panel).  I've also set reminders in my calendar for next week's "Mad Men" and "Modern Family" panels.

Big props to the Paley Fest folks who made the decision to Livestream the panels.

Which ones will you be tuning in for?

Friday, March 2, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVERYONE'S Best Thing (3/2 Edition)

First and foremost, tomorrow is my brother's TWENTY-FIFTH (holy crap) birthday.  I don't usually post on the weekends so I want to take this opportunity to give him a shout-out AND give you guys a sneak peak at some photos from our recent family vacay (these were all taken on Josh's new camera).


1st stop: Nassau, Bahamas (our ship is in the background)

this photo is my current desktop background

hope you're celebrating with some Captain Morgan (or whatever your drink of choice is) tomorrow night Josh!

Second, I've recently discovered some fantastic Tumblrs that I'd like to share with you:

The Fluffington Post:  "News" articles...  about fluffy things.

Kitten Shocked by How Much Time She Spends on Facebook

The World We Live In:  Beautiful travel photography.

The Queenstown Lookout, Otago, New Zealand© blame_the_monkey

Animals With Stuffed Animals:  Pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

City of Love:  More travel photos, a travel bucket list if you will.

Porto, Portugal via mandalaybus

All Creatures [Great and Small]:  More animals - some adorable, some not as much, but all interesting and beautiful in their own way.


Picture: Jenfu Cheng/Solent News & Photo Agency

Can you tell what my major interests are?

Cats That Look Like Ron Swanson:  For all my fellow Parks & Rec fans.

Fish - for sport only, not for meat. Fish meat is practically a vegetable.

Michael Buble Being Stalked By a Velociraptor:  No explanation required.

submitted by AbbyLuna
submit your own

And finally, to send you off in good spirits for the weekend, I give you the best basketball-related video I've seen in a long time: