Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

AUSTRALIA DAY: [Sometimes I Wish it Could Officially Be] MBT

As I think I've mentioned before, I became a full-on Australiaphile after I lived in Sydney for 4 months on a study abroad program.  It was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life to date.  Since today is Australia Day, I'm dedicating this post to my favorite country, it's wonderfully friendly and lovely inhabitants, and all the people I met while I briefly lived there.

Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?......

Blue Mountains

sleepy koala



right before one started humping my leg


Great Ocean Road

Twelve Apostles

Hunter Valley wine tasting adventure

surf camp!

7 Mile Beach surfing


baby 'roo in the pouch!

Fraser Island 4WD/camping adventure

Fraser Island shipwreck

the dingo that might have stolen our bag of wine

sailing in the Whitsunday Islands (wish I was able to find more pics - especially one of Whitehaven)


Sox win the World Series!



Can't wait to go back...  One day...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Packing Before the Very Last Minute: NOT My Best Thing

I WISH my suitcase & belongings looked like this.  (image source:
I'm going on vacation on Friday!!  I can't wait - I feel like it's been a really long time since I had a true vacation.  My trips to Utah and NYC were so much fun but very busy, and because I stayed here in LA for Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years, I feel like I didn't get to fully check out and kick back.  I've felt sluggish and not 100% ever since I got sick on New Years Day and I'm really looking forward to a week of relaxation.  I'm flying in to Fort Lauderdale on Friday night/Saturday Morning and then boarding Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas for a week-long cruise to the Carribean.  Oasis of the Seas & its sister ship, Allure of the Seas, are the largest cruise ships in existence.  Below is a little YouTube tour.

So excited!!

BUT before I can go I have to pack.  Blargles.  I tried to start a list on Monday night and got as far as:
-Bathing suits
It's simply physically impossible for me to pack or even focus on a list any time prior to "the last minute".  My parents used to show up at BU to help move me out of the dorms at the end of a school year and be furious at my lack of packing.  The night before I left for Australia my friend from down the street had to come over and help keep me on task.  I don't know why it's such a problem - you would think that I would be so super excited that my clothes would just pack themselves.  They don't.

Also, this usually happens:

image source:
That's not my cat, but my cat sure does like to curl up on my stuff at inopportune times.

The good news is if I forget anything I'm sure they sell anything you could possibly need on the ship.  The bad news is that it probably costs an arm and a leg.  I'll get it done, don't you worry, it may just be that I'll be running to catch my plane.  And we all know how well that goes.

Monday, January 23, 2012



The starting line-up was released today.  I haven't been able to get past the first picture:

This puppy's name is Aberdeen.  Aren't you just DYING of cute?  I love the fun facts for each puppy - Aberdeen's is that she's saving to buy a sailboat.

Whoever at Animal Planet came up with this inspired bit of counter-programming is a genius.  I will actually sit and watch the entire show from start to finish.  Did you know that all the puppies that play in the Puppy Bowl are available for adoption?  I'm sure the applications come pouring in right away.  And if puppies aren't your thing (really? who are you?) there's always the kitty half-time show, the chicken cheerleaders (they used to be bunnies - I wonder why they made that change?) and the hamster blimp pilots.  SO MUCH CUTE!

Wondering how it all comes together?  Check out this little behind-the-scenes video:

I've been invited to what sounds like an EPIC Super Bowl party this year, but I'm considering not going because I'd rather stay home and watch the Puppy Bowl in my pajamas.  Decisions, decisions.  In the meantime, which is your favorite puppy?

Friday, January 20, 2012

IMBT: Really GOOD Commercials (Especially If They Have Dogs In Them)

In our house we almost NEVER watch live TV.  We watch lots and lots AND LOTS of recorded TV, but almost never at the time it actually airs.  This means we get to skip all the commercials and get through 3 hours of programming in about 2.5 hours.  Awesome!  But I have a secret:  I'm one of those rare people who actually enjoys watching commercials.  Not every commercial - because there are a lot of crappy ones out there - but definitely the really good ones.  What does "really good" mean?

A) The commercial features a dog or other really cute/funny animal doing something cute/funny.
B) The commercial references a movie or television show in an interesting/funny way.
C) The commercial features an awesome song (that I can sing or hum along to).

I realize that this is all, of course, completely subjective, but let me give you a few examples.

This post was inspired by this "game day teaser-commercial" (since when is that a thing?), which I saw yesterday when it was posted on FB by the American Humane Association:

What's great about it (besides for the dog dressed as the AT-AT at the end) is that it doesn't even mention Volkswagen until the very end, but you already know what it's for because it reminds you of this incredibly genius ad from last year:

I also happen to really love the commercials for the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas.  Here's the one that airs frequently (isn't the song great?), followed by a longer, much more expensive/difficult to produce version:

Here's another fave:

And how about this classic from the late 90's:

You just can't go wrong with horses and dalmatians.

What are some of your faves?  Let me know in the comments and maybe I'll do a follow-up post!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

IMBT Birthday Shoutout: Capricorns!

Wow, January is a popular month for birthdays.  I was too busy to post yesterday so first I would first like to wish a belated very happy birthday to three fabulous ladies I admire, all of whom celebrated their birthdays yesterday:

image credit:
1)  Zooey Deschanel.  As you already know, I really enjoy her show "New Girl" on Fox.  Last night's episode, which centered around Schmidt's birthday, was no exception.  The first act was so LSHWC funny that we had to pause and rewind at least 3 times.  The "We're bronemies.  He's my fremesis" lines, and the single-syllable word examples were absolutely hilarious.  I realize Zooey might not be super involved with the writing of the show, but I hope she enjoys being on it as much of the rest of enjoy watching it.  Happy belated birthday Zooey!

photo from Vogue
2)  Michelle Obama.  She's uber-intelligent (she graduated from both Princeton AND Harvard - with honors!), she's powerful & influential (since she's taken on our nation's childhood obesity problem, the The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was signed into law and schools around the country school have stepped up to the plate - more info here), she's stunning - see right - (her smile is magical, I love basically everything she wears, and she's been on the cover of Vogue!), she seems like a super-loving mom, and she's MARRIED TO THE PRESIDENT!  If that doesn't describe a true role model, I don't know what does.  The below photos aren't really related to it being her birthday, but I thought they were so beautiful that I just had to include them.  Happy belated birthday Michelle!

3)  Betty White.  America's favorite Golden Girl turned 90 yesterday.  90!  NBC commemorated the event by broadcasting a special in her honor.  Clearly, I'm not the only one who wanted to wish her well.  As Newsday pointed out, "Nearly 14 million people tuned in to her "Betty White's 90th Birthday" special last night!  Yes: That's a huge number, and for NBC an almost unheard of one. Consider that just under 17 million checked out the Golden Globes which means . . . Betty White is nearly as important as the Golden Globes."  Even the President took a moment out of his busy day (and his own wife's birthday) to send Betty a message:

Happy belated birthday Betty!

Today a number of my own friends celebrate their birthdays.  I wish to give a shoutout to two very close friends in particular: my former roomie and BFF since the age of 13, Lesli, and fellow Terrier and current collaborator/partner on exciting film projects, Mike.

When looking up the attributes of the Capricorn I found this: "The Capricorn is the strong friend, they will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. A Capricorn will get someone back on their feet again with a steady plan for success and for all this, they expect nothing in return."  I truly can't think of a better way to describe both Lesli and Mike.  The happiest of birthdays to you both and all the best in the year to come!

PS. Lesli - a special picture just for you:

I will "owl"ways love you - get it?!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th: It's Boyfriend's Best Thing

No, he's not superstitious, he just really loves the Friday the 13th movies.

I'm not going to even try to write about them because horror movies are NOT my best things and I pretty much avoid them.  But for those of you who are interested, the first and sixth installments are playing tonight at the Vista theater in Hollywood.  More info here:

Have fun!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Random Video Wednesday: IMBT

This is quite possibly the funniest video I have ever seen:

Alana, Age 6, Best Beauty Pageant Kid, Ever |

I shared it on FB yesterday and surprisingly it got no responses.  No comments, no likes, nada.  But I did separately share it with one friend of mine who I knew would appreciate it.  She agreed that it was hilarious, re-posted and her friends loved it.  So at least I know it wasn't just me.

I love that it's "Extreme Couponing" and "Toddlers & Tiaras" combined.  I love the way Alana talks.  I love how much she loves her belly.  I especially love that the camera crew can't even keep it together.

Here's the extended version from YouTube in case you want just a little bit more Alana or were just too lazy (no judgement!) to follow the link:

That is all I have for today - it's a slow week, what can I say?

Friday, January 6, 2012

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! It's EVRYONE'S best thing! (1/6 Edition)

First:  A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to my roomie Aaron (who will probably never read this).

Me & Aaron - probably at least 4 or 5 years ago

Second:  IT'S BAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!  America's favorite Guidos & Guidettes and the inspiration for this blog returned to TV last night.  Did you watch?  Did you catch these gems from PaulyD and The Situation?:

"I'm tanorexic!"
"I just have unbelievable genetics."

Truth be told, it wasn't the most exciting or interesting episode.  The most surprising part was that they picked up *right* where we left off with them departing from Italy and returning directly to the shore house.  No wonder the break seemed so short.  But frankly I'm getting tired of Mike starting fake drama - who gives a sh*t at this point whether or not he hooked up with Snooki?  Let's move on please.  I just hope Vinny doesn't leave for good - the show just won't be the same!

image source:

Third:  Has anyone out there been watching the HBO* Sports Documentary Series "24/7Road to the Winter Classic"?  The last of four episodes aired last night and I just want to say how much I enjoyed it.  The series follows the two teams who have been selected to play in the NHL Winter Classic - an outdoor hockey game played on New Year's Day (or in this year's case, the day after) - in the weeks leading up to it.

image source:

Boyfriend first got me into the show last year (in it's first season) when it featured the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals.  As you know, he's a huge Pens fan and was understandably very excited for both the show and the Winter Classic.  I didn't expect to like it, but the storytelling - both the stories themselves and the "how on earth did they get those shots??" moments (I'm referring primarily to camera, but also to hockey) - just sucked me in.  Since Boyfriend had managed to get tickets to the Winter Classic (being played at the Steelers' stadium in Pittsburgh), and since I was driving down from Cleveland to go with him, I was extra invested.

This year featured the New York Rangers and the Philadelphia Flyers - two teams I knew NOTHING about, but now can name at least 5-10 of the players & coaches off the top of my head.  Once again I was sucked in by the superb storytelling, only this time I didn't have any biases going in.

image source:
My favorite moment over the four episodes was probably when my new crush, Rangers Center Brian Boyle, dressed up as Buddy the Elf (see left) for the Rangers Christmas party.  They used the soundbite of him yelling out "SANTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!  I KNOW HIM!!!" at least twice, which made me very happy (I love that movie so much).  The show also followed him to his family's Christmas dinner where we met his TWELVE siblings!!  And then of course my least favorite moment was when they showed him making out with his date(? hopefully not girlfriend?) on NYE.  Vom.

I'm dying to know what they shoot on, as it looks f*cking amazing.  The interviews in particular are lit SO WELL - huge props to the DP and camera teams on this show.  I'm also dying to know how many crews there are and how the producers map out when to shoot and who to follow.

By the way, I'm not the only one who finds the show fascinating.  Check out this write-up in the New York Times, this write-up on, and this write-up on (who I guess kind of have to like it, but whatever).  The bottom line, as ESPN puts it, "For a fan of the game at any level, the HBO experience gives us the game shot through a completely different prism.  At its best, the HBO series continues to tell us hockey stories in terrifically unique ways and show us things that even those of us intimately involved in the game don’t see."

If you missed the series and want to see what all the fuss is about, sign on to HBOGo - there are a few short, promo-y videos and the full Episode 1.  The rest of the episodes will undoubtedly be added soon.  Trust me, you won't regret it.

*An an employee of HBO I am required to say: These are my own views and they donʼt necessarily reflect the views of HBO.

Last:  I leave you with this incredible selection of photographs - hopefully it will put a smile on your face as we break for our first weekend of 2012.  My favorite is below.

Happy Friday Y'all!!